Stock Market Haiku

Over the last few days, we’ve all seen the stock market crash. Following that, there have been a plethora of articles that have come out regarding what to do, what to buy, how to adjust, etc… This is not one of those articles. Inspired by all those articles, the talking heads on tv, and boredom at the office, Mrs. SSC and I have been having an impromptu haiku contest related to the stock market performance. 🙂
Here are some of our back and forth haiku below:
Be a young willow
Bend in the downturn breezes
Stay strong, be patient
No selling when low
Stay the course for tomorrow
Until then, just be
Goodbye ER plans
Stocks, why did you fail me so
I sit at my desk
The sky is falling
Hope is lost! Dreams crashed! Sell! Sell!
We are doomed! Doomed! DOOOOOMED!
We now return you to your original programming, please enjoy the rest of your day.
If you would like to add a haiku of your own in the comments, please do! I’d love to hear some other peoples haiku, just remember 5-7-5 for structure. 🙂