Our Lifestyle’s Changing! Again…

Mrs. SSC
I can honestly say I haven’t met one person as impactful on my life as Mrs. SSC. She turned me around to become a better person, a better version of me, even while struggling thru my depression. She set our family up very, very, well in life financially and I wouldn’t even be involved in this community if it wasn’t for her. While I was the one that took to it like a fish in water, she was the one that introduced me to the PF community, FIRE – I still don’t want to live off $26k/yr – and put us in the position to let me be a Stay At Home Dad (SAHD) the last 15 months.
She’s been truly amazing for me and without her I have no doubt that I wouldn’t here to write this. She’s done a lot for me and my life in ways I won’t even go into. For that I am truly thankful. Thank-you so much.
Slowly Sipping Coffee
The blog will continue on. I’ll revamp some of it since it’s just me now but there’s a whole shit ton of stuff for me to unpack (pun intended), sort through, and figure out moving forward. All of this will be amazing blog fodder, a great place for me to work thru things as well, and will have a lot more interesting reads than loads of Twitter pics of “lumberjacking”, snake wrangling, spider herding, and more!

There will be fun posts like, “But I don’t want to get a job” followed up with, “So, I got a job ☹” or, “I need a doc, my passive income stream won’t start!” followed by, “Maybe I need a urologist, because my passive income stream keeps stopping and starting…” Whatever comes of life, you can be sure I’ll put most of it on here. 😊
Me – Jay – Mr. SSC
Well, now that my lifestyle is different, I’ve got to figure out life. I have plenty of ideas of what to do for passive income or other income streams, those will be in a future post, and what to do with life in general. I really like the life I have right now with volunteering, subbing (yes, even subbing), CASA (I’m about to get a new case), and Scouts. It has been nice and I like the freedom to go to the kids fieldtrips, their school, see them during the day, sub for their class (2x now), or more. They keep telling me to sign up for gym sub and I’m like, “those go really quickly! Lol”
Also moving forward, expect to keep seeing as many pics of me as I have already posted. I won’t change the avatar because, come on, I Dream of Fire nailed it with that one! I will have a pic or 2 of me on the blog and use my name and all that stuff because I don’t care about anonymity. It’s just who I am.
Hi, I’m Jay, I’m a talkative over-sharer, nice to meet you!

That’s it. We’re separating, life will be different and crazy and who knows what it will look like a year from now? I know for sure that I certainly have no clue what it would look like. I know we’ll be co-parenting and raising our family with as much cooperation, love, and support from the 2 of us as there was before, except it will never be like before because the whole situation is different, but, you get it right?
That’s what’s going on around here. I hope your holidays were INFINITELY better than mine, and that you’re also NOT dealing with this sort of situation. Unless you’re getting out of a bad situation and then, good for you! Way to take control and get your life back! I hope everyone has a great, safe, New Year’s Eve and an even happier New Year!

I’ll see you in 2020!