Articles with planning

“Tanks” for the Memories: Justifying Large Expenditures

My Father-in-Law (Bob) celebrated his 70th birthday earlier this year and since we see it as a milestone birthday, so we wanted to do something special for him. We thought about a lot of different things we could get him, but he has pretty much anything that he needs or wants. So then we thought about some experiences we could look into for him. He has had some back and neck issues the last few years, so even those adventures would be limited for what we could do. Then, Mrs. SSC came across a website that we thought would not only offer a great present but also an excellent place to make memories. (not an affiliate link by the way, I wish, lol)
It’s Tank time! German Leopard we drove and I rode on in the turret.

Bob has been a pretty big WWII history buff and has read a lot about that time period so we thought this could incorporate that passion of his as well. What did we stumble across that would fulfill this passion, while providing a great gift and awesome memories? Ox Ranch, a place where you can literally drive a tank on one of their designed tank courses. They have over 18,000 acres, most dedicated to exotic animal hunting, but a large part is also dedicated to tanks and machine guns, because, Texas. They also offer you the chance to shoot the tank if you want to spend that kind of coin, we didn’t. Plus, there are options to shoot almost any type of WWII machine gun if you choose. We offered if he was interested, but Bob didn’t take us up on any of those options, whew… We had an excellent time and even got an upgrade on the tank we got to experience due to a delay caused by the History Channel shooting on location that day. Woohoo for little wins!! Even though we try to be frugal in a lot of areas in our life, this was one thing that we could justify paying for a memory making experience.

Is an $8 tomato worth it?

Recently the topic of a fall garden has come up around the SSC household. With the high temps starting to stay at/below 90 during the day, and night temps around 75 (time for a fire!) it got me thinking we should plant some stuff for the cooler weather. We keep talking about wanting to garden and grow more stuff as part of our Lifestyle Change, but we don’t do too much of that now. I figure now is the best time to get with it so we can iron out any bumps and what not before we go big with a garden. However, our success rate with getting anything edible from any plant isn’t exactly stellar. Is it due to our ungodly hot climate, our lack of green thumb, or possibly lack of diligence with taking care of the garden due to our schedule? I’m all for the fall garden, and have even agreed to scale it back a bit, but I’m having trouble getting Mrs. SSC on board due to our usual gardening adventures fails.

Our first “big garden” attempt down here was nothing short of a disaster. We’d decided to do a raised bed, with a garden system that made a 6’x6’ box separated into 4 squares. We then put our usual peppers in 2 squares, some squash in another square, and something else in the 4th square. The fact I can’t remember what it was should be a clue as to how successful it turned out. We were doing well with the garden even though it was as far away from the house as it could possibly be in our backyard. Then we went on vacation. Ever mindful, I set up a timer and watering system so it would get water while we were gone. I hooked up the sprinkler, ran it out to the garden, and even adjusted the flow and coverage of the sprinkler so as to be efficient. I was SO proud of myself.

When we returned home the scene looked like it was out of a plant horror movie. Some plants were dead – straight up dead, while the other plants looked droopy, wilted, and brown. Not dried up lack of water brown, but a weird brown, like a “death” brown. I thought I may have overwatered, but that couldn’t be the case. I checked the sprinkler and timer and they looked good too. Then I stepped into the spray of water and was scalded from my knee down to my flip flop covered foot!

Gah!!! Idiotic me didn’t think about how hot the water would get while it was sitting in ~50’ of garden hose stretched out across the yard, in the sun, ALL DAY, in the middle of Houston summer. Yep, I had managed to kill the garden with repeated scaldings over the course of a week. Side note – if you want to get rid of a certain patch of grass or weeds and don’t want to use chemicals this seems to be an effective method, as even the weeds were dead… We haven’t tried keeping anything alive since beyond our two pepper plants and the occasional tomato plants or herbs.

This guy's about 6' tall and flowering again!
This guy’s about 6′ tall and flowering again!

This year I got one tomato before the heat cranked up and I calculated it cost me around $8. I’ve kept that plant alive and I’m hoping for a fall crop now that it’s cooler and it’s starting to flower again.

She's a sad tomato...
She’s a sad tomato…

However, the other one got decimated by some kind of bug. I went to water it and all of its leaves were gone. There were just little leafless nubs all over it. I brought it inside to try and resuscitate it, to no avail. Our pepper plants are still cranking out peppers though, and we do have a pineapple we started from a cutting earlier this summer that’s looking quite nice.



This guy seems happy as can be!
This guy seems happy as can be!

Now that it’s cooler, I proposed the Fall Garden! However, I want to only put up 2 squares, so it’s half the size. Also, I would put it on our back porch so it’s right next to the hose and in our daily view so we won’t forget about it. Plus, the kids seem like they could get excited about it. Our oldest transplanted a bean plant he started in daycare, and it got over 6’ tall and made a decent amount of beans. He really enjoyed that.

I was thinking of planting some cauliflower, but maybe they get too big for that small of an area. Maybe plant some root vegetables like turnips, carrots, or something along those lines, and maybe something leafy like Collard Greens or Bok Choy. I even proposed to fund it from the allowance, but was reminded my allowance is a bit tight currently, Oops…

I think our gardening fails are mainly due to our busy schedule, not being diligent with the garden, and having the plants out of sight. The high summer heat doesn’t help either, but I don’t want to make too many excuses. With the weather getting nicer, we’ve been spending more time out back, so we should be able to manage it way better. I really think the kids would like gardening too since our oldest liked seeing the bean plant get big and make beans he could eat. I think it’s worth giving it a shot and hoping they want to get more involved.

What are your thoughts? Should we start a fall garden? Thoughts on what we should try to grow – any advice is welcomed. Do you want to hear about more gardening fails? I have plenty!

It’s our 1 year anniversary!

Yeah, 1 year old!
Yeah, 1 year old!

I can’t believe it but it was a year ago that we decided to start this blog. It was a Friday off, and we were enjoying some coffee, on our sort of a “date morning” where we get 30-40 minutes to just catch up and talk about whatever and not be dealing with two demanding little humans. I love ’em, but man!. That week, our conversation was all about our FIRE plans. We’d been discussing it for real, because my brain finally accepted that, “Yes, yes we CAN do this and it’s not a pipe dream!” I was mainly quizzing Mrs. SSC about the intricacies, when she mentioned other blogs she had found that had kids and were in our situation, like Mixing Maroons and Big Guy Money.

I’d recently begun to dig around ol’ Mister Money Moustache and find that not everyone on there was an uber ER extremist, and that was heartening. This was when he was still cranking out posts regularly with his “clown car” and “sheeple” bravado if you can call it that, but all of his posts were great food for thought. They reaffirmed that I don’t need things to be happy, and trying to acquire things to achieve happiness is not a sustainable or healthy lifestyle. It had been a turning point a year or so earlier when I’d broken myself of my, “oh shiny! buy-now, oh shinier, buy now, oh! more shiny! Buy, buy, buy!” sort of lifestyle.

Exploring different blogs, I realized that “hey, everyone has their own thing going on, and our plan is going to be our plan.” Like everyone out there, they all have their strategy to get to FIRE and we have ours. I also realized there shouldn’t be a hangup with our plan being different from everyone elses, because, well it should be different, it’s ours. Reminded me of Full Metal Jacket a little, “This is our FIRE plan! There are many like it, but this one is ours!”  Hahaha….

You WILL retire early, or so help me!!!
You WILL retire early, or so help me!!!

I remember the newby-ness of WordPress, and it seemed so foreign. Yet, I still get SO frustrated when I add a picture that has been turned the right way up, and I’ve snagged it the right way up and re-saved it the right way up, only to have WP turn it sideways when it gets emailed out, GAH!!!!! WTF WordPress?! Anyone else get that? Like this pic (although it will probably look right today).

Yep, that's my favorite mug to drink coffee from.
Yep, that’s my favorite mug to drink coffee from.

How do you fix it? GAH!!!!! But I digress…

It’s been 52 weeks and there have been 69 posts, and 682 comments! I can’t believe there are 69 posts, I mean a year ago I would have thought, what kind of crap serious financial gobbeledy-gook insights do I have? I don’t pay attention to that stuff, I rarely even know the price of oil within $20 and that’s my OWN industry, what views will I have to put out there? All the wrong kind, let me tell you. I know how to burn through money, make bad decisions, and live it up, above my means with the best of ’em!

So at least in the beginning, that was my voice and how I wrote. I find I still gravitate towards that sometimes, but I find it easier now to understand where those bad habits came from, why I felt that they were justified, and what it took me to break them. If I figure out how to put that all out there coherently in under 10,000 words, you’ll hear about it. It’s a twisted story my friends, but maybe one day… Besides, I’m sure more than a few of you have probably had your own version of the same experiences. Maybe we could start a “Before FI” series – Oooohhhh….

Now, I just like to write about what’s on my mind, and how our FIRE FFLC affects everything and a lot of our seemingly little decisions can affect that date. It’s also made me realize that while financial security and a constant paycheck is great, it ain’t everything. I’d rather take a chance and walk away from my industry and career while I’m just getting to that “show me the money” stage to have more time to get to make memories with my wife and kids. Having those little guys around has made the ER goal even more concreted into my brain because I’d love to have more time with them.

I got to spend the last weekend with my 2 yr old daughter, it was just us, and except for Friday, we didn’t even leave the house. We gave each other multiple “haircuts”, threw balls across the house, and each time she’d say “one more time throw ball!” and about 15 times later she went to go do something else. We played dress up with her baby dolls, and had lots of tea parties. Heck, we didn’t even get out of our pajamas all of Saturday and Sunday. We had a blast just getting to hang out and be, and cook, and play chase, and do what we wanted. When I dropped her off Monday morning at daycare, she was crying and sobbing, and I felt like it too, because I’d much rather have another day getting to hang with her than go to work.

A lot can change in a year, and I can’t even begin to guess what a year from now will look like in our household, much less many of yours. Steve at Think Save Retire is planning on being done in 2016, and looking at Even Steven Money’s Financial Independence Day list, a LOT of you guys, that I follow anyway, are looking at 2017! It should make for some interesting reading, while I’m in my office… Hahaha!

Until then, I’ll keep cranking out some posts and thoughts and do my best to keep it entertaining. I can’t say there won’t be more song and music analogies in there, because I do love music and find lots of ways to relate lyrics into real life, if you hadn’t noticed. 🙂 Thanks for a great year, and thank youall for putting out the great content you do that keeps me  coming back for more. You all have been super supportive, helpful, and dang interesting to follow and get to know!

Forever In Blue Jeans? Done!

I love music, and I have since I can remember. It can give me chills, make me smile, make me cry, it’s the one thing I truly love in so many of its forms. My dad also loved music, stuff I can now appreciate musically, but most of which I still consider “crap” (sorry dad, but a lot of it is bad). Mom was more Motown, R&B, and “oldies” centric, but R&B when it meant rhythm and blues, The Temptations, The Supremes, Marvin Gaye, The Four Tops, Ray Charles, man, I’m giddy just remembering those guys, and yep, just started a good Motown playlist in the background. Aaahhh…

One musician dad was a huge fan of that stuck with me though is Neil Diamond. Man, I love me some Neil! Cheesy as it can be, those lyrics cut to my soul so much, because I just get it. Although, as Mrs. SSC put it, “Neil Diamond, Neil Young, same diff, right?” Oh, Mrs. SSC…

Neil D
I don’t know that he ever wore blue jeans…

But one of his songs in particular lately has struck a chord with me, “Forever in blue jeans.” What a song! It resonates with most of what I read on your blogs most every week, which is mainly that acquiring loads of money doesn’t matter, but as long as you have each other or what you deem your priority in life, you’re good. It’s about getting your life to a point where you call the shots and where you’re happy. Who doesn’t want that?

My whole life I’ve been money centric.

Money, money, money!! This was one of my first purchases as an intern in New Orleans.

Growing up broke as can be with parents that have zero good financial sense, I’ve tried to work towards making as much money as possible so that money is never a worry. Worrying about money, is the worst feeling in my life. It ranks up there with finding out someone you care about has died. I really hate worrying about money. This was my hangup with ER. Why the hell would I walk away from a nice comfortable setup to go back to scrounging just to not work?! No way! But then my focus changed.

For me, it was my kids. After having them I realized 2 things: 1. I’d do anything in the world for them. Yes, this really most exclusively means trading my life for theirs if God forbid that was ever an option, 2. I want to spend as much time with those guys as possible while I can.

One day, they’re going to go make their own lives and it is coming way sooner than I want. I already know this, and they just turned 2 and 4. I only have 16 years before they’re gone and off to college or career or who knows what, but it’s coming.

How does this affect me or my lifestyle or even our FFLC? Man, has my priority switched, because, since then and now, we’ve found our number that we’ve been living off of and can live off of and we have a date when we should reach that number. That date is in about 3 years and then we’ll be leaving our jobs.

Coming back to the Neil Diamond song, I realized my focus was echoed by these lyrics.

“Money talks,
But it don’t sing and dance
And it don’t walk.
And long as I can have you
Here with me, I’d much rather be
Forever in blue jeans”
….”And if you pardon me
I’d like to say
We’ll do okay
Forever in blue jeans, babe
And long as I can have you
Here with me I’d much rather be
Forever in blue jeans, babe”

Let’s see. Our “comfy life” as it is now, involves an almost 1 hr. commute each way, 9’ish hr’s at the office 4-5 days a week, to see the kids an hr or two a day before bed, and then get to hang with them while catching up on other errands/chores and what not over the weekends… Yeah, we’ve made it!! Versus taking a chance that our ER plans go as planned, but maybe we’ll be forever in blue jeans? I’ll take it.

I get really freaked out by this sometimes, and I try to put on a brave face, but I still get worried. Worried that we’ll try and fail. Worried that we’ll leave our “nice” jobs and end up in a horrid life of scrounging, scrimping, and worrying about money constantly. Kill me now, please. The knot and 20 lb weight in my stomach just writing about it makes me SO risk averse, part of me just wants to keep working until I’m really, really, sure I’ll always be good. And this is probably what drives most people to work for SO much of there lives. But that “horrid” life of watching our funds and scrounging for money, if it came to that still sounds like it’s a way better quality one than I’m living now.

I realized I’d rather be doing my life on my terms and forever in blue jeans, than in an office answering, “Yes, sir! Of course sir! Tomorrow sir, you’ll have those reports!” and if sh!t hits the fan, well, I’d rather try and fail than sit by in quiet fear and trepidation wondering what if. You know what I won’t get back ever? Time with my family. I also know that between me and Mrs. SSC, we can be making half the money my family was raised on and we’ll make it work comfortably. So, yeah, I’ll take that chance on spending as much time with family as possible while also maybe making my life way less comfortable than it is now. I have to say, the “comfort” I’m giving up versus the comfort I’m working towards I’ll take any day. And if we’re forever in blue jeans, I don’t count that as a fail either.

What made you want to get to FIRE/FFLC/Not working for the man and doing thing on your terms?


Neil Diamond Picture from

Retiring “Big Sky”?

If you don’t know, Mrs. SSC and I like to watch home renovation shows, Renovation Realities, Property Brothers, and even home buying/selling type of shows like Love it or List It, House Hunters, and recently, Tiny House Hunters and Tiny House Nation. You’re probably thinking, “Thanks for sharing your TV preferences, but what does this all have to do with ER or finance or anything?” Well, recently Mrs. SSC discovered a new show called Living Big Sky, essentially a house hunters for Montana. It has amazing views everywhere you go, and people keep using phrases like, “we loved it so much during vacation, we decided to move here,” and “Every day we wake up we feel like we’re on vacation. Just look at these views.” Which led Mrs. SSC to ask me, “Are we setting the bar too low in the Appalachians? Will we feel like that when we retire? What if we got big views like that too?”
It's No Montana, but it's still beautiful!
It’s No Montana, but it’s still beautiful!

Yes, there are some impressive views, but we’re basically talking about moving from the Gulf Coast to Southern Canada. Previously, we’d investigated places in Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, and the like, but ultimately found what we “think” we’re looking for in Virginia, North Carolina, Eastern Tennessee.

I say, “think” because, except for vacationing around those areas, hiking through those areas, and other short term type of trips, we’ve not gotten out there to visit for a week with the express purpose of house hunting, community snooping, and general poking around to get a feel of the town and surrounding area. The little things like, where are the closest grocery stores, is this area “too far” from town? We’re hoping to get there and do a recon trip in the fall, but that is highly dependent on if Mrs. SSC’s mom can cover the little ones for a few days. I’m not spending 4-7 hours in a car driving around with toddlers in the back. That sounds horrid for everyone involved.

Virginia is nice and has great properties with excellent views. It’s like we discussed, yes, I love the west and Rockies, and those sorts of views, but the Appalachians feel comfortable, and homey, and I find them beautiful. The mountain laurel, rhododendrons, streams, and green-ness of the landscape just brings me back to my growing up days of hiking and backpacking in Eastern Kentucky with my Grandad, and at Mammoth Cave National Park backcountry. I love the hollows and ravines, and rolling hills, broken up by some mountains, and most of all, Fall! I miss seeing leaves change colors, the smell in the air, the crisp bite of winter on the back of a warm fall breeze, reminding you that winter is coming. Almost as nice is Spring. Real Spring, where you feel warm air mixed in with the biting cool breeze, and see trees bud, bright blossoms emerge, and watch the brown landscape become green, lush and vibrant again. After 8 years on the Gulf Coast, I guess I really miss seeing seasons change, and realize that’s something I definitely want.

We are hoping we will have a view like this from our porch!
We are hoping we will have a view like this from our porch!

In the meantime, we started looking out west again. Except for some real fixer uppers that are already at the top of our budget (~$300k – with reno included) we would have to work another year for some out west living. With the experiences of fixing things in the last 2 homes we’ve lived in, plus the horror shows that unfold on Renovation Realities, and Love It or List It, I realize we could spend more than anticipated on a fixer upper. If we’re already at the top of our budget, it gets tight finding something we can afford, with land, etc… Nothing that warrants a whole extra year of working.

If I had a million dollars, I'd still probably move here.
If I had a million dollars, I’d still probably move here.

It reminded me of one of the couples on the Living Big Sky show. They bought a house at the top of their $600k budget, saying “We’ll find a way to make it work, because this is our dream house.” It was custom everything, and they both said, “We just love the uniqueness of everything being custom.” Before I even thought about it I blurted out, “Oh you’ll love it until it breaks, and you’re paying custom prices to fix it.” Side note – our shower door broke Sunday, and after 3 estimates, consultation with 4 companies, and about 5 hours online we found out, there is no repair – only replace…

Ultimately, we think we’ll end up on the East Coast though. The land is cheap, houses are affordable, and we love the views. We may end up somewhere else, but unless we find something amazing at a great price in 3 more years, we’re most likely East Coast bound!

What are your “Big Sky” ER plans?

Are you planning on moving or staying where you are when you pull the trigger?

If I had a million dollars…

If I had a million dollars, I'd move here.
If I had a million dollars, I’d move here.

The other day I was working in the yard, and I had a song pop into my head that I hadn’t heard in forever. After singing through a few verses of it, I got to thinking, “Yeah, that’s not a lot of money anymore. Or is it?”

If you haven’t guessed the song by now, it’s Bare Naked Ladies’ “If I had a million dollars.”

The lyrics are funny and whimsical, and if you’re not familiar with it, it’s a song musing about everything that they would do if they had a million dollars. There are some of the usual things you’d think of such as, “I’d buy you a house… Some furniture for your house… A K-car, a nice Reliant automobile… a monkey, haven’t you always wanted a monkey?” Then there are the “extravagant things” that would be bought such as; “I’d buy you a fur coat, but not a real fur coat that’s cruel… A tree fort for your yard… an exotic pet, like a llama or an emu… and my personal favorite, we wouldn’t have to walk to the store; now, we’d take a limousine ‘cause it costs more…” That got me thinking, if they bought everything on this list, how far would their million dollars get them vs how far would it get the SSC family?

How far would a million dollars go if you spent it like the song suggest? Well, let’s see.

For simplicities sake, we’ll assume this is a post-tax million dollars. Where we would like to retire a house can range from ~$160k upward. We’re looking in the $200-$250k range. Let’s say they want a nicer house (they are millionaires now) and go with a newer $300k home. Then you add in some new furniture, because you don’t want any shabby digs in your new house. I’ll stay conservative and say maybe $20k, for furnishing a whole house. That should cover most of a house if you’re not shopping at Ethan Allen. Now if we look at the K-car, let’s say this is a modern day Hyundai/Kia equivalent, and go for $20k for the car, with tax, title, license. We’re at $340k spent, but our main cost of living things are covered right? Now for the fun things! Llama is about $400-800 with about $20-$30/month costs not including vet trips. In the grand scheme of things, not too much there. A monkey is about $4000 – $8000 though! Holy cow, that’s way more than a llama, and it sounds like they have way higher maintenance costs too. A tree fort for the yard, can cost as much as a house. Since they want to “take a limousine ‘cause it costs more” they’re probably not going to DIY the tree fort. Those costs range from a couple thousand on up. One of our co-workers is looking at a $5k playset for their 1 year old. Let’s just say $5k. Back to the limousine, when I had to take a car to the airport due to company policy and safety, it was about $70 each way. Let’s say that would be the average limo cost to go to the store, that would be an extra $75 a week added to the grocery budget, or $3744/year. They’ve already spent almost half of their million dollars and they still need to buy fur coats, John Merrick’s remains, some art (a Picasso or Garfunkel), a green dress, but not a real green dress, that’s cruel. Yipe, that’s a lot of spending!!

Let’s see how the SSC family would use this. Our number for FIRE is essentially a million dollars. HOWEVER, this is a million dollars NOT including our 401k’s. Oh, tricky, tricky right? Well you see, because we have been building and growing our 401k’s for a while now, we see that as money that left to grow on its own should be able to afford us the lifestyle we have now. Pushing that aside, our ER/FFLC number is roughly 1 million dollars. Maybe this is still a lot of money, even 23 years after this song was first recorded.

This should cover a mortgage outright first of all. Yes, we have equity in our house and based on the growth around our current area, we are assuming we will at least be able to sell it at a break even for what we paid for it, fees included even though we will most likely get more for it. We like to play it conservative assume break even and not count on any home sale profit. We are now down to ~$800k left over from our “million dollars” for us to live off of until we get to age 60/62 and can start drawing off of our 401k’s. I am aware of the Roth ladder and other options to draw on them earlier, but again, I’d rather plan so we didn’t have to count on that. Looking at our budgeting we have been spending roughly $56k per year. This is with about $8500 per year assumed in health costs, and $1500 per year assumed in dental. These are just ball-parked based on what we could glean from the Government health care website market options.

Breaking our budget down and having a floating yearly spend based on how well the market is doing, the cFiresim calculators show a 98% chance of success with our plan and investments as they are now. That’s not too bad really. This is assuming a 4% Standard Withdrawal Rate (SWR), and 7% growth, along with 4% inflation. We’ve accounted for higher inflation in healthcare at the urging of Mrs. SSC’s parents. Having survived a bout with cancer, their costs have increased dramatically. We also have a 5% cushion built in, and will most likely have a year of cash as a safety net. Yes, yes, there are better ways we could probably have that cash as a liquid asset but for now, we’re thinking cash. This is all NOT taking into account any side income, part-time or full-time jobs we may pick up. Also, not accounting for any pensions or even social security, which seems to be probably another $1-$2k per month each. Also, we account for $12k/year for our personal fun money/allowance/sanity fund, whatever you want to call it. So if things got tough, we can automatically “cut” $12k of expenses just by not using allowance type money for our hobbies and stuff. Then our yearly spend would be ~$44k assuming nothing else changed.

There are times I review these numbers and think, “Why the hell are we still working?!” Then I remember, “Oh yeah, we still have a ways to go!” We currently can just buy a house…. Then we’d have no jobs, no security money, and we would be watching the clock like a hawk to tap into our 401k’s then wake up broke and sad at 75… Booo…. So, we stick to the plan. Remember though, most of our investments will get the glorious benefit of compound interest, so it isn’t as if we will be setting aside a full $1,000,000.00. No way, man! Let that grow and earn, and grow and earn, and grow. Please for the love of God, grow!

The point I’m trying to drive home, is that you could spend a million dollars like the Bare Naked Ladies suggest, and you’d be back to broke pretty quickly.

I’m fortunate that we are in a situation to be able to plan, save, and get towards our FIRE goal but it comes through diligence with spending and saving and staying on track. We could derail it at any point by getting back into the consumer mindset, but we stay the course. Why, you ask? Well, even though I love my job and get satisfaction out of it, I have other things I’d rather be doing with my life that would fulfill me more. Who reading this now doesn’t have at least 2 other things they would rather be doing than sitting in their office at work? Who would rather have free time to fully pursue their passions and not try to cram them in with a “Go, go, go, Lifestyle?” You’ll see one raised hand at this keyboard – if you could look through the screen that is. Although then that would be a little creepy… Hopefully, you get the point.

How would you spend a million dollars?

Would you spend it or just live of the interest or dividends it brought you each month?

We’re headed to the track!

Best new investment strategy around!
Best new investment strategy around!

A while back I noticed a lot of bloggers talking about what you should do with your tax return, as opposed to what most people would actually do with their tax returns. As a kid, this was always a nice time of year because we generally got a fairly healthy tax refund. It was like a financial Christmas, and presents would be bought, we’d get treated to some dinners out, and usually within a month or less, it would all be gone. Nothing invested, maybe some immediately pressing bills caught up, but generally, it was frittered away here and there. As an adult, I’ve tried to be more fiscally responsible, which is why we invest our tax refund. This year instead of putting it into our usual investment hidey holes, I convinced Mrs. SSC to go a different route and diversify our investments. Being from Kentucky, where we’re most famous for horses and bourbon, I decided investing in bourbon wasn’t up my alley, but how could you go wrong with horses?! It’s like they say, “How do you make a small pile of cash off horse racing? Start with a big pile of cash.” So that’s what I plan to do!


That’s right, I’m putting it all into horses. I’m sure you’re thinking, “Wait a second, most horses are privately owned and you can’t really buy shares of them, can you? Are you planning on investing in a horse training facility, or farm?” You’re right, I can’t diversify our portfolio with “shares of a horse” so I’m heading to the tracks baby! I usually do pretty well on Kentucky Derby day investments, and over the last few years I’ve managed to clean up. I did some calculations and my investments at the track have yielded over 200% return year to year. I did have a down year here and there, but modeling the amount invested against the returns, makes the stock market look paltry in comparison. I mean really 7% is supposed to be a “good” number? I’m talking averaging 200% returns. If you put that into my other modeling spreadsheets, I can have us to our FI/FFLC goal 2 years earlier!! 2 years!


Now that I’ve piqued your curiosity, you’re probably wondering, “How can you do this though, because The Kentucky Derby is a month away, PLUS it is only once a year. You won’t be able to make that much on one race, right?” You’re right again, I knew we had some smart readers! Plus, like I’ve found on all the FI blogs I read, you don’t want all your eggs in one basket, so I’ll be diversifying and spreading my investments over MANY races. I have taken our tax refund and parlayed it into a side hustle of betting on horses! We’re midway through the racing season, so I only have a half a season left, but I’m confident that I can more than double our refund. Already, I’ve been able to get a 30% return on my “investment choices”. 30%!! Our portfolio hasn’t done that yet! It makes me want to show our portfolio my winning stubs investments and say, “Get with the program, portfolio! What have you done for me lately?! Slow and steady, more like, Slow and Slower… sheesh!” I digress…


This weekend, I plan to get the investment action in full swing though. I’ve been researching the upcoming races around the country, track conditions, racing surfaces, horses, and put them all into a spreadsheet. Then I run a few Monte Carlo scenarios and pick the new members of the SSC Investment Portfolio. It has worked well so far with predicting which “investments” I should be making, so I will continue to follow it. I diverged from this method last weekend and I found that picking a horse with a funny name isn’t the best investment strategy, so I’ll keep science-ing it up. Not sure why I thought “Pajama Pancake” and “Tweedling Peanut” would pull out a win, when my spreadsheet said otherwise, but I know better now. Seriously though, I don’t know why people haven’t thought about this before, it’s pretty dang easy once you get all the variables accounted for.


I’m excited about keeping this train to FI rolling and get us retired a few years earlier than we’ve planned using traditional methods, and now I get why more people aren’t doing this whole FIRE thing. They’re sticking to slow methods with even slower investment return times. No wonder everyone works until they’re 60 or older, it takes that long for the stock market to work! Ain’t nobody got time for that! Certainly not this household. While the stock market keeps trying to make me some coin, I’ll be laughing all the way to the bank with my new diversification strategy!


Do you have a unique side hustle that outperforms the market?

Do you want a copy of my Horse Racing spreadsheet, so you too can be more diversified?

Have you realized today’s April 1st yet?

image from

Dream vacation: What’s the rush?

Recently, I came across an article about “Fly-in, Fly-out” fishing trips in Canada. These are mainly to go after pike, walleye, and grayling, and all the pictures show people holding big, toothy, 40” long fish. A trip like that seems like it would be a blast, so I began to investigate the options. I invited a couple of friends along thinking it could be a good “guy trip”, you know, travel, fishing, some camping or relaxing in a lodge each night, and general shenanigans that end up with some great stories. The guys and I have done other charter fishing trips in the past, so I figured they’d be on board. However, the price can get a little ridiculous, Heck, it can be a LOT ridiculous, so I sold it to them as, “Hey, I think we should take this trip to Canada and get some monster pike! Fly-in, fly-out style in a bush plane! Doesn’t that sound awesome?!” Little do they know that my main motivator for doing this trip sooner rather than later is that in a few years, I’ll be retired and money will be a little tighter. So, how do I tell them that?

I suggested to my friends that we plan for 2016. I need to save up for it, because this trip will require some hustling, both financially and getting Mrs. SSC’s mother to visit to help with the kids. I found fishing outfits that had 5 day fishing trips from $800/person up to some ridiculously expensive all-inclusive trips that are way more than I could afford. The big catch here is figuring out what I get for my money. The all-inclusive package is all your meals are cooked for you, all amenities of home, fishing tackle and lures are provided, and a guide every day in your boat. The guide alone accounts for ~$900 of the cost. The $800 trip is more my style though. We get our own outpost cabin that we get flown to, and then the boat is sitting there waiting for us. We have to provide our own tackle, lures, fish finding, cooking, and groceries. While it is more my style, do I want to trek from the Gulf of Mexico to Upper Saskatchewan with enough fishing gear, clothes, and food for a week all the while just hoping the airlines actually keep it all with me? Short answer, No sirree Bob! It would be fun, but not the first time out.

Hopefully I'll catch fish bigger than this!!!
Hopefully I’ll catch fish bigger than this!!!

Plus, it’s still a lot of money, and I’d feel better saving up and spending it now, rather than in a few more years when I will be retired. I’m still not sure how to impress upon them why I want to go on this trip now rather than “in a few years.” I suppose my main urgency in trying to schedule a long-lead-time trip like this is knowing that I may not have the extra cash sitting around in 5 years. However, in my friend’s cases they will have more time and money in a few years… I mean, these guys aren’t planning on retiring for another 20-25 years, so what’s another 3-5 more years? They’ll have earned another week of vacation, and more money from promotions and raises, so they don’t have the same drivers as me. I almost feel deceptive, like I am trying to ‘trick’ them into taking this trip before 2018.

Then, my buddy Ted proposed another trip idea*. His uncle takes groups of guys fishing in the Wind River wilderness, 1 day in, 3-5 days fishing, 1 day out. We’d take horses instead of hiking to be more efficient, and increase the cool factor, and since it’s his uncle the cost is, umm, well, practically free. I guessed at $200-$500/person and Ted replied, “Well, we essentially have to get there and pay for food.” And his uncle doesn’t even fish! That sounded like a slam dunk, but then I’m back in the “I want to do the Canada trip before retiring, which could be as soon as 2018. The Wind River trip would push my dream Canadian fishing adventure back to at least 2017.” Gah!!!

Maybe I’ll tell them we expect money to be tight in a few years, but that sounds even odder, as Mrs SSC works with both of these guys. That alone would raise a red flag that might take some explaining. Maybe I’ll have to “Goonie it up” with a speech like, “Come on guys, this is our time. It’s our time to go fishing now. We may not get this chance again.” While I feel it’s a bit deceptive to not come out with it and tell them, “Look man, we’re planning on quitting the oil industry and moving to Virginia in a few years, and things may be a little tighter with funds. If I don’t do this now, it might be a lot more years before I get the chance to do this again.” In reality, this probably wouldn’t be a big deal, but I’m not comfortable enough with co-workers and even ex-co-workers knowing about and starting to gossip about my 5 year plan. Ultimately, if things don’t go as expected, I’d like to keep working where I am and not have my boss think I have one foot out the door. I’m not sure how I’m going to approach it, but I’ll be sure to let you know how it plays out.

* – Names have been changed to protect the innocent

Have you run into this in any situation with co-workers?

Have you told anyone about your FIRE date, and plans to abandon work?

Anyone have any better ideas for some good Pike and Walleye fishing trips?

Retirement Quest: Where to live?

Where to retire is a big question that only you and your family can answer. Maybe you plan on staying where you are now because you’ve already built a life and social network there and don’t want to disrupt it. My dad never moved away from his hometown his entire life, so retirement for him meant not working and getting to enjoy the same social network and activities he did while working. My mom, on the other hand, is more of the wandering artist type that has lived all over and doesn’t seem to stay in any one place too long. She is currently back in my hometown, but I doubt she’ll be there too long, because it gets too cold for her to want to stay too long. That led me to think of what people look for in a retirement town, or even more so, a “pre”-tirement town.

Mrs. SSC and I have been researching different towns and cities to relocate to when we pull the plug and switch to stay at home parents, since we have no desire to remain in Houston. For us though, it’s not as easy as Googling, “Where are the best places to retire”? Mainly, because the word ‘retire’ is associated with people decades older than we will be.  We want an active community, trails to hike, and rivers to fish.  A place that is overflowing with families and good public schools for our kids. A good education is essential to us, and one of the reasons we have a longer than ideal commute currently in Houston.  Sure, we could have afforded to live close to work, but those public schools closer to downtown are horrid. Meaning we would need to move or pay almost $15k/yr/kid for private freaking grade school when our kids got to school age. That’s ridiculous! My college tuition wasn’t that much per year!  Also, in our future pre-tirement town, we want topography and four seasons. After spending 6+ years in the Gulf Coast, we both miss snow, Fall, leaves changing, and seeing bumps in the horizon that aren’t overpasses or buildings. I have really appreciated being able to fire up the smoker on Thanksgiving in flip-flops, shorts and a nice Hawaiian shirt, and be perfectly comfortable outside, but I also miss getting to wear sweatshirts, sweaters, and the feeling you actually need a fire to cozy up to, and not just turn on the gas fireplace because it’s sort of cold out (it dipped below 50!! EEEEK!!!).

How have we figured out where we want to move when we depart Houston? Well, we haven’t yet, but we’re down to our short list. We started by taking those things mentioned above (topography, four seasons, education) along with our knowledge of places we lived or visited and started doing research. Combining our wants with stats on cost of living, home prices, taxes, school quality, and weather helped us cross entire geographic regions off of our list.  Take New England for instance. We both love it and think it’s pretty, even with some harsher winters, but we’d rather not incur such a high cost to live there between taxes, housing, and heating. Another region is California; it’s beautiful and the northern part of the state would be nice, however, it’s expensive, has water issues, and doesn’t meet some of our criteria.

After some time, we narrowed our scope down to the Appalachians, the Rockies, and the Pacific Northwest.

North Carolina has some appeal for us and there are some nice towns there we think could work. So we have a town or two still on the list, but we kept looking. We both liked Oregon, but man, so do a lot of other people, and some of our towns that popped out ended up seeming like Boulder,CO in terms of excellent outdoor activity but ridiculous housing cost. So there are a few Oregon towns on the list as well, but we still kept looking.

Same with Colorado; it fits a lot of criteria, but ultimately the towns we looked into got put into the B list category. Some Colorado Front Range towns are nice and fit a lot of our criteria, but if we’re in CO, we would like easier access to the ski resorts, and if we want some type of mountain living or mountain views, we thought we could find some other places that could be a better fit. Again, there is a drought/water issue that persisted for the 9 years I lived in Denver through to the present.

We even came across a town in northern Idaho that seems to have stayed at the top of the short list. Idaho… I still cringe when I look at a map and see that we’re basically looking at Southern Canada. Seriously, talk about one extreme to another. I’ve been monitoring the weather for this area, Denver, and Chicago, IL as these are all points of reference to climates Mrs. SSC and I have lived in that we liked or don’t want to be as harsh as. So far, it’s been trending just like the historical weather data has shown. Which is still pretty, pretty, cold and with a long winter season. So, lately, we are  looking back at the Appalachians with its more moderate winters, and think we may have found a good spot in western Virginia.

We both spent a lot of time in the Appalachians either growing up in the region (Mrs. SSC) or just hiking in them (Mr. SSC). Roanoke, VA has good school ratings, good home prices, good home layouts (yes, I get bored and house shop on Zillow). I find there are a lot of houses out there that would work great for us. Some of the houses need some updating, which is ideal. We want to do remodeling to make the home reflect more of our personalities, without having to redo the whole house.  Many homes have workshops already built, which is ideal for my woodworking equipment and projects. Also, there are some houses with killer views and a little land, so no suburbia feel to it either. Now, to hope the perfect house pops up on the market in another 3-4 years!

So, here is our current short list – I’m curious to see how it evolves over the next several years:

  • Roanoke, VA
  • Boone, NC
  • Coeur d’Alene, ID
  • Bend, OR

Our “long” list includes satellite towns near these, or other “B” locations in the same state. For instance, most of the smaller areas around Roanoke (Salem, Cave Springs, etc..) have good schools and housing options. The same is said for Boone, NC and Bend, OR. Mrs. SSC’s family likes to play “what town are you guys retiring to this month?” when they visit as the short list gets shuffled occasionally. It’s fun for us to research different areas, and it keeps the reality that soon, we can permanently be in one of these places at the top of our thoughts.

I think Virginia could be a great fit, and can’t wait to check it out from a “we could be living here” perspective. It feels more like home to us, and we love the green landscape of the Appalachians. This is the 6th town in the last year to top out the short list, and so far we haven’t found a deal breaker yet. They have a good tax situation, and pending Mrs. SSC’s “dry-run” for what our tax situation could be like when we retire, it might be a bonus for that state.

What is it you look for in your perfect retirement place? Someplace warm, or cold, or with abundant water, maybe abundant golf, maybe a nearby college that allows for a steady stream of renters if you are going the property investment route? Let me know, I’d love to hear about some things I may not have thought about. Does anyone else house hunt on Zillow to check out what type of houses to expect in their retirement destination, or is that just me?

2015…. here we come!!!

Well the time is here – the New Year! And it just doesn’t feel right to start the year without some sort of goal or two.

I mean, let’s see there’s the usual goals most everyone has some form of with their resolutions, if they are the type to make resolutions. My list of those is as follows:

  • Eat better
  • Eat less
  • Exercise more
  • Save more
  • Spend less.

Okay, Thanks for reading, See you next year!

archesHahaha kidding… But the save more/spend less might be the ones you’re interested in, so how can we tweak them to be something attainable and fit our lifestyle?

I mean we didn’t have any specific financial goals in 2014, besides survival… In retrospect, on New Year’s Day 2014 we didn’t even know who Mr Money Mustache was!

So, we have been racking our brains, thinking about what to aim for this year… what can we do better? What can we do differently?  Mrs. SSC is a HUGE fan of setting monthly goals, it seems like every month she is thinking of something to try… To be perfectly honest, I bet in her head she also has lists of daily and weekly goals. Fortunately, I just get brought in when the monthly goals come up. More fortunately, she says setting a goal for an entire year just seems too daunting, and a month seems like a more manageable chunk of time. We do pretty well at sticking to monthly goals. For instance, there are usually 1-3 months we’ll go on a spending diet and try to keep the credit card under an amount say 25% less than usual. Or, there was the non-finance related push-ups month challenge of doing a pushup for each day of the month. Except she started at 10, so day one was 11 pushups then, 12, and eventually got to 41 pushups in a day. These aren’t all in a row, but by the end we could do about 15-25 in a row before we collapsed on the floor, taking a breather before knocking the rest out. But, let’s get back to some financial goals and get out of the “crazy things we do to keep life interesting” goals.

We’re proposing a few different goals, and we’ll start with a monthly, a quarterly and a yearly goal. (I know, I said Mrs. SSC doesn’t like yearly goals, but this one was even her idea)

Monthly Goal:
January 2015 – 50% LESS TV!! Gah!! We’re not big into TV but enough that it’s distracting from other hobbies and I have a banjo to finish remember? How is this financial you ask? I don’t know, but we could stretch and say “It’s a primer for cutting the cord altogether. As soon as those idiots figure out football that’s NOT $300 per/season to stream, the cable is getting cut”! Until then, a weaning period seems appropriate. Plus it has to use less electricity, right? (eyeroll)

Quarterly Goal:
Q1 2015 – Only purchase consumables (food, diapers, etc…). Seems reasonable enough.

Yearly Goal:
Save $150,000! This seems like a stretch goal to me, but Mrs. SSC says it should be achievable.

Can we do it? I hope so… I mean, “Hell yeah we can do it!”

Happy New year’s everyone!

Do you have any goals different from ours, or do yours fall in the first 5 categories I mentioned? Let us know, we’d love to hear about them!