Well the time is here – the New Year! And it just doesn’t feel right to start the year without some sort of goal or two.
I mean, let’s see there’s the usual goals most everyone has some form of with their resolutions, if they are the type to make resolutions. My list of those is as follows:
Eat better
Eat less
Exercise more
Save more
Spend less.
Okay, Thanks for reading, See you next year!
Hahaha kidding… But the save more/spend less might be the ones you’re interested in, so how can we tweak them to be something attainable and fit our lifestyle?
I mean we didn’t have any specific financial goals in 2014, besides survival… In retrospect, on New Year’s Day 2014 we didn’t even know who Mr Money Mustache was!
So, we have been racking our brains, thinking about what to aim for this year… what can we do better? What can we do differently? Mrs. SSC is a HUGE fan of setting monthly goals, it seems like every month she is thinking of something to try… To be perfectly honest, I bet in her head she also has lists of daily and weekly goals. Fortunately, I just get brought in when the monthly goals come up. More fortunately, she says setting a goal for an entire year just seems too daunting, and a month seems like a more manageable chunk of time. We do pretty well at sticking to monthly goals. For instance, there are usually 1-3 months we’ll go on a spending diet and try to keep the credit card under an amount say 25% less than usual. Or, there was the non-finance related push-ups month challenge of doing a pushup for each day of the month. Except she started at 10, so day one was 11 pushups then, 12, and eventually got to 41 pushups in a day. These aren’t all in a row, but by the end we could do about 15-25 in a row before we collapsed on the floor, taking a breather before knocking the rest out. But, let’s get back to some financial goals and get out of the “crazy things we do to keep life interesting” goals.
We’re proposing a few different goals, and we’ll start with a monthly, a quarterly and a yearly goal. (I know, I said Mrs. SSC doesn’t like yearly goals, but this one was even her idea)
Monthly Goal: January 2015 – 50% LESS TV!! Gah!! We’re not big into TV but enough that it’s distracting from other hobbies and I have a banjo to finish remember? How is this financial you ask? I don’t know, but we could stretch and say “It’s a primer for cutting the cord altogether. As soon as those idiots figure out football that’s NOT $300 per/season to stream, the cable is getting cut”! Until then, a weaning period seems appropriate. Plus it has to use less electricity, right? (eyeroll)
I’d rather have a mountain view than look at this all day!
So you’ve been noticing that I’m very bad with financial decisions, getting better, but seriously it did take me about 6 years to realize that this whole FIRE thing really would work out and we could retire in another 4-6 years without our current lifestyle being affected. You’ll also notice that one of my big hang-ups is to not retire and live off of Ramen in an RV park somewhere (not that there’s anything wrong with that). So, here we are ready to go, just sitting back and investing and saving and planning and now that I’m fully aware of our situation, it has become the foremost thought in my head most days of the week, I close my eyes and see a giant ‘Retirement Countdown’ clock ticking.
I remember once when I was eight thinking to myself, “OMG, I’m never going to be 16, that’s like 8 years from now, I’ll never get my license to drive!” Every year I would count down 1 year closer, but my goodness it was brutal and agonizingly slow. Sort of like Christmas as a kid. I would look forward to it and the magic of it with the decorations, cold weather, fires in the fireplace, holiday dinners and music, culminating with the opening of presents on Christmas Day and more food. And then January, I would start counting down to Christmas again and it would seem to take forever. I think I’m probably OCD somewhat in that I have lots of countdowns going on for lots of things. Let’s see, there’s the “build a banjo before 40”. I made the neck, pot, fretted it, and essentially just need to put it together and then the kids came along I need to finish it before 40 due to an errant sentence by Mrs. SSC “one day, you’ll look up and be like, I’m 40 and haven’t even finished that banjo”… There’s the weekly countdown; only 4 days to the weekend. Vacation countdowns -only 2 weeks before a week off for Christmas. There’s the countdown to death, morbid I know, but I see 80 as that scary crossover point. IF I get to 80, it will be a great achievement, but every day after that will be like a gift of sorts. Most people in my family die around 80, if they even get to 80, hence 80 being the magic number of death. There’s the” start a bluegrass band when I don’t need the money from it to live on” countdown. What’s the difference between a banjo player and a large pizza? The pizza can feed a family of four! Hahahaha That countdown has gotten moved up quite a bit. There are plenty more, but I don’t want to get too off topic and you’ve probably quit reading by now and I’ve probably made my point.
The newest and loudest countdown is currently the countdown to FIRE, and OMG is it loud!!! Every day I think, only 2 more months until 2015, and then only 4 months until April, and then only ~4 years left. OMG there’s still 4 whole years left! Did you see my trick of breaking it into shorter chunks though? Those seem to fly by! Two months here, 4 months there, next thing you know, we’re halfway there, which is only 2 years and 3 months away…. Seriously, it’s kind of disturbing in here sometimes. I’m not like Russell Crowe disturbing in “Beautiful Mind” but it can feel like it sometimes. I need to figure out a way to get this on the back burner of my brain, but for the life of me I can’t. I can’t get it back there or get it to quiet down.
Remember the post about the cruise and noticing the Miller’s “Boat-tober 2014” shirts and thinking, man, that’s probably a lot of coin spent on shirts that may get worn 2-3 times? Well, that revelation helped me to start noticing the other extravagances that people were sporting. Even more mundane, I was a little proud of myself a few months ago when I realized that if I took the second on-ramp to the toll road to get to work, I could save 45₵. Yep, 45₵. I even calculated (while driving of course) that if I did this every day I could save about $80/year. I told Mrs. SSC and then she noticed the same except on her drive, getting off one exit sooner does the same thing, so that’s an easy $160/year we just saved. More recently, I was testing a new route on my commute, and found that I could not only save 3 minutes or more on the drive to work, but also entirely avoid the toll road doing so. That’s close to $275/year saved, and I save time on the drive in. You’re probably focused on the fact that I’m proud of saving 3 minutes on the drive, but this is much like the countdowns. I know how many minutes it “should” take to get somewhere and how many minutes I’m ahead or behind of the normal schedule. For instance, it should take ~17 minutes to get from my office to a certain on-ramp, lately I can’t get there in less than 24 minutes. Disheartening… It should take ~10 minutes to get through the elevated portion of 59 southbound on a good day, slow days 14-17 minutes. Slow days, I can get through downtown surface streets bypassing that section in 12 minutes.
Back to the point of this post. How do you get around not having FIRE at the front of your brain all day every day? I’m really expecting some buyers’ remorse when I do achieve it and can tell work I’m retiring. I need to figure it out soon though, or maybe embrace it and just try not to get overboard with it. The blog I thought might be good getting out, exorcising some the demons so to speak, but instead it seems to be “exercising” them and just making those thoughts stronger and more entrenched. Which has its side benefits, like saving money on tolls, and I’ve broken my “trolling the internet looking for anything to buy” habit and my allowance account has been uber-positive this past year, and my appreciation of what I have has grown, as opposed to constantly wanting more and more. Maybe it’s not that the countdown to FIRE is loud in a negative way, I just think it’s going to be a LONG time getting there. And I realize anything can happen to derail that timeline, but until then, I’ll be thinking about what to do in another 4 years and 6 months….
* Mrs SSC: I apologize, I believe Mr. SSC drank fifteen pots of coffee this morning…
I don’t know if you’ve noticed this in the news recently, but Mrs. SSC pointed this out to me and then I found plenty more articles about it.
The short story is this (disclaimer, I’m no financial analyst): Japan economy was faltering and they wanted to boost revenue to help strengthen it. They did this by enacting a tax hike from 5% to 8% back in April. Many predicted their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) would grow by ~0.5% or so, and initially it seemed to be working. However, with the latest numbers that came in the countries spending contracted by 7% which led to a contraction of GDP by 1.6%!
The Japanese have a price point – I wonder how high the American’s is?
Yes, the Japanese have a price point. Their sales tax increased 3% and instead of stimulating the economy with the continued spending like previous quarters, the spending slowed up and shrank. As one person pointed out, You lose the benefit of the tax revenue if you can’t collect it and people aren’t spending money. Their price point is when their sales tax hit 8%. At 5% sales tax, they were spending just fine, but raise it a mere 3% and suddenly they’re rethinking purchases, delaying purchases and deciding they don’t need a lot of their GDP. Evidently, about 7% worth less.
This reminded me of a similar situation. Our local grocery store has pre-made hamburgers, not just shaped ground beef, but with mixes like blue cheese/black pepper, hatch chili’s and spices, or bacon and cheddar. You get the idea. They sell these for $6 for two patties. Yes, yes, all of you frugal minded folks reading this are thinking, “My God, why would you pay $6/lb for 2 hamburgers?! You can make them yourself for less!” Well, you’re right or at least I can make them for almost the same cost. I tried with the bleu cheese burgers and even my own pepper and spice burgers, and except for our homegrown pepper additions, when I priced out all the cost of ingredients, it was really close to their price. The point is, I am fine paying ~$0.50 more for the convenience of not dirtying up mixing bowls, and having to mix it myself, “You bet I’ll pay for that”.
BUT!!! Then they raised the price to $7…. Unbeknownst to them, they found my price point, and it was just a dollar more.
At $6 for the 2 burgers, I was fine and could justify the extra spend but $1 more, and it’s too rich for my blood! Wow, $1 more is too rich for my blood. Well, let’s think about that, because is it all about the extra dollar spent? No. It’s more the principle that I can make the same thing for less in either case, but with the extra $1 added, it just feels like it’s too much. I can’t pay that and feel good about it, so now I make my own. Are they as tasty and convenient? Well, not as convenient, and I haven’t gotten the texture right yet with the bleu cheese burgers, but they’re just as tasty and delicious.
Similar to craft beer. I’m no beer snob, but I can appreciate good beer, and usually have some of my own brewed in the fridge. However, I can’t justify paying $18 for a 12 pack of craft beer. It’s a price I can’t pay and feel good about, so I don’t. A week ago, the same store had a New Belgium Sampler 12 pack on sale for $13, and it was really hard to not buy 2, since it was such a good deal. I mean, the Budweiser or Miller products I also purchase are that same price and those are pretty unexciting mass-produced beers. So when a tastier beer is available for the same price, Hell yeah I’m getting that instead.
My point is I found it interesting that as a country, all of a sudden the Japanese found that they didn’t need 7% of the stuff they were buying. Again, I’m no financial anything, so go easy on how I might have gotten it all wrong, but it reminds me of our grocery post, where it was easy to find ways to not spend as much on “extravagances”. Not from being forced to, but from looking at what you spend and finding ways to cut back. After having this goal of FIRE dangling in front of me, I find it’s easier to find more and more areas where I can save or not spend because it’s going towards a goal of one day not having to work for anyone but me.
Have you experienced this, where you are used to buying something at a certain price and when it increases you just can’t justify it anymore? What are some things you found your price point on?
Well, that day has arrived. The one where I go to use my phone and realize, “Hey it shouldn’t be acting like this. I’ll charge it, and maybe it will feel better… Why isn’t it recognizing the charger is plugged in?” So I unplug and re-plug the charger, still nothing. Check the charger port on the phone for lint, no lint. I think to myself, “Hmmm, it shouldn’t be acting like this, I bet the battery is shot, I mean it is 2+ years old. I’ll deal with it when I get home.” I get home and the battery is really, really, low. So, I pull out the battery and go to Amazon to find a replacement. A few minutes and $10 later and my new OEM battery will be arriving in 2 days. Yeah!! In the meantime, I tell Mrs. SSC my cell phone is sick, and I plug the battery back in and try to turn on the phone and it’s stuck in a reboot loop… My heart jumps to my throat as I think, “Maybe it wasn’t the battery! EEEEP!!!” I try soft rebooting, hard rebooting, and nothing. I think optimistically, “Well…. maybe the battery is soooo low, it is stuck in this loop and can’t power on past this reboot point. I’m glad I ordered a new battery!”
Thursday, 10/16:
My new battery arrives and I think to myself, “Hooray, I get my phone back!”. While it has been kind of freeing to be without my personal cell phone, I’m now more worried that the phone may have caught something terminal and it isn’t just sick or in need of an organ replacement (the battery). I put in the new battery, power on, and now it gets to a new point in the reboot loop before it sets off the flash and the screen blinks off. It then begins to repeat this behavior. After several attempts at this with the same result, I take out the battery, and try charging it, thinking the new battery needs a solid charge on it, and that’s definitely the issue. At this point, I am the definition of insanity, trying the same things over and over and hoping for a different outcome. I search online and find some useful information regarding my specific issue. I found out that there’s only a 50/50 survival rate and the chances at resuscitating my dear little phone are looking more and more grim. So, I go back to Amazon and $6 later, I have a “USB jig” on its way to the SSC residence. Allegedly, you plug this in and turn on the phone and it forces it to go to a download mode, where you can monkey with things to get it to reset that reboot loop. I update Mrs. SSC on the news and she suggests that we should look into cell phone plans if I’m going to need a new phone. Begrudgingly, I start to research online, but out of sight of my sick phone. It’s not dead yet, just very, very, sick, and I don’t want to do anything to impede its recovery back to a working cell phone. I give it some words of encouragement before I start my research, “Hold on buddy, I’ve got the “jig” coming; that will fix you I promise! We’ll get through this!”
Saturday, 10/18:
The USB Jig arrives and the moment of truth is here. I put the battery back in my phone, insert the USB jig, yell “Clear!” and press the power button. Disappointingly, nothing happened. Except the reboot loop, and it wouldn’t even get past the Samsung logo. Poor phone, it’s sicker than I thought. I held out one last hope though that if I took it to the phone hospital (our carrier’s store) they may let me use a fully charged battery and give me an accurate diagnosis.
Monday, 10/20:
I took my phone into the local store, praying for a miracle. After trying to resuscitate it, we called the time of death at 10:16 am, Monday 10/20/14. Good-bye phone. You’ve served me well, and I hate to see you go. So, on to a new phone, but do we need a new plan at the same time? Should we stick with our current carrier, or try something different, something more frugal?
I remember a few months back reading about different cell phone plans on the cheap and with my love for “ghetto cell plans and the phones that come with them” I bypass them to go straight to our current carrier’s online store and start looking at new phones. J Holy cow, when the hell did cell phones start to cost as much as a decent lap-top?! I realize I paid a couple of hundred dollars for my last cell phone (the Galaxy S2), but I didn’t get the S3 because it was almost double the price. Yes, I’m cheap in some regards, but the S2 was great and worked awesomely, until it didn’t. But to upgrade to an S5 was $609 at our current carrier, and $509 on Amazon. I look at the Nexus and i-phones which were similarly priced. Whichever phone I researched, they seemed to be way more than I want to spend on a phone.
So I researched different carriers thinking I could save some coin on our plan as well as a phone. I looked into a lot of them, but, I only dug deeper into Ting and Republic Wireless. Why those you ask? Well, Mrs. SSC was in love with the idea of Republic’s $5/month plan in which you only use wifi, and have no cellular tower connection. Sounds promising, but after reading some reviews, I realized this wouldn’t fit our current lifestyle. Their other plans range from $10/mo to $40/mo and as you pay more, you get moved onto cellular networks, but our current plan has us at $80/mo for both phones. So, I’m not going to a different carrier and incur a new phone cost for Mrs. SSC when her phone is still working fine, and not save money. It didn’t make sense for us to switch.
Then, I checked on Ting and their plans. I like the concept of their plan which is “you pay for what you use”. They put everything into different buckets marked SX, S, M, L, and XL and More. Looking into our current monthly usage, we would land in the $32/month category. Again only saving $16/month, which, yes, is almost $200/year, but with the hassle of switching carriers, getting phones for their systems, etc… It isn’t worth it to us currently. With our current lifestyle, we need something reliable that works everywhere and comes at a time when both our phones break or need an upgrade. So we’re sticking with our current carrier for now.
Wednesday, 10/22:
That brings us back to what to do about replacing my phone. As Mrs. SSC pointed out I can get a Galaxy Avant for $200 and that’s reasonable. She put down the edict that in her world, over $300 for a cell phone is unreasonable, and I would have to cover the difference out of my allowance. Ugh… I pointed out that the Avant is a downgrade on all levels from a phone that was 2+ years old. So, no, once I’ve tasted the good stuff, I can’t go back!! But seriously, who wants to spend a LOT of money on a brand new phone that’s already slower and takes worse pictures than your old phone? I settled on the Galaxy S4, it was $330 on Amazon and should be arriving today. Swap out my sim card, and I’ll be back in business. I’m sure at some point, I will downgrade my phone to some degree, and our plan will change to a cheaper one. In the meantime, I’ll have a small memorial for my old phone. Say some kind words, share a favorite memory I had of it, and then drop it into the electronic recycling bucket at work.
How do you deal with replacing cell phones? Do you just go with something that fits your needs and you don’t need the bells and whistles, or do you like getting the newest, latest, greatest phone out there? I compromise somewhere in the middle. Maybe the upper end of the middle, but I’m okay with that for now.
When I was growing up I saw my family go through cycles of budgeting vs not budgeting. My dad saw budgets the way most people see diets, a means to an end, but nothing that is sustainable or pleasant. Essentially, mom would implement a budget, it might get stuck to for a few weeks, maybe even a few months, but inevitably dad would feel too shackled by the constraints of the budget and go back to spending as if he was made of money, which he wasn’t. I never saw budgets as something useful, but rather viewed them as negative and something that meant you weren’t doing it right and needed to be told how to spend your money. I kept that view for way too many years, and didn’t realize how helpful budgets and tracking finances could be.
Clearly, I was wrong about budgets and now I realize that the only thing a budget does is let you see where your money goes, and it helps you divvy it up so that the important things get covered before you spend on excess things like gym, boats, dinner out, etc… You can make your budget as strict or loose as you need. I viewed budgets as a fascist rule over my finances with strict lines I couldn’t cross, or I’d face consequences! Consequences! Therefore, I avoided implementing budgets in the real sense of the word, because who chooses to get ruled by anything? Let’s be honest, I still hate budgets. The word itself brings up negative memories associated with being broke as hell as a little kid, arguments associated with money issues, and the feeling I’m getting punished for something I did wrong financially. It’s no wonder I never had a budget or tried to stick to one.
I’m just fortunate I married someone financially minded, that is way better at money, finance management, saving, and has a hell of a lot more financial discipline than me. Even she implements budgets or tries to. Seriously, whenever Mrs. SSC mentions the word, I recoil and get edgy and defensive. It’s amazing what gets imprinted during our upbringing. Back to budgets. If you’re reading this you have some interest in finance management so let’s get to where I went wrong with mine. Straight out, I’ll tell you I still don’t have one. Never could get one implemented, stick to it, or even had the desire. I had the desire to get out of my situation, but it’s like dieting; I didn’t want to be fat, but I didn’t want to work to be skinny either.
Sooo – here’s was my “budget strategy” from back in the bachelor days. Money in = ~$800 and money out = $737.50. Clearly this wasn’t sustainable, because I only had ~$30/week to “have fun with”. What a crock! And note there isn’t anything going to savings at all either. And honestly, the check would just get deposited and this was all “deducted” theoretically, not actually set aside in different accounts. Even when it jumped up a few hundred more a check after undergrad, it didn’t matter because my spending habits were to spend more than I made. Plus, I had more than that going out in student loan payments… Gah!
However, even this could have worked with a little mindful spending, but therein lies the flaw in my whole system – tracking spending! How did I track it you ask? I kept a running total in my head, money in vs what was in my account. Yeah, it worked great, that’s why I’m writing about it in the “bad decisions” posts. Remember, I’m not super great with numbers, plus, I have to remember everything and keep a ledger in my head and make sure what was spent was deducted and added up correctly. I have a pseudo-photographic memory so actually, this worked better than you’d think. The main flaw was when I would have “extra money”. My $ in and $ out would be totaled, and even if I accounted for auto-draft bills that were coming due, I’d think, “Yeah good job Mr. SSC, you’ve trimmed costs and done well, and you have some extra coin to spend!! We’re going out!” Inevitably, within a week or so, a bill would hit, something I forgot about and I’d be in the hole.
So, yeah, I never actually sat down and figured out money in/money out and saw the stark reality that I was broke! Always… Constantly… And there should NEVER be extra money, ever. Had I actually just sat down and figured out what bills I had, and then put my pay next to it, and could see how close they were, and maybe I could’ve saved myself a lot of trouble. BUT I never did this. I just “knew” what my rent was, my cell bill, car insurance every 3 months, credit cards were always something, utilities varied depending on season, and gas and groceries were background noise.
This didn’t ever really change until I met Mrs. SSC and saw you could live differently. It still hasn’t changed really, Mrs. SSC just holds me to an allowance that’s brilliant and evil! I’m forced to decide if I want or need something. That’s changed my spending habits more than anything. Being forced to be accountable might suck, but has ultimately been great.
Another positive is that I have seen the positive effects of budgeting and finance tracking. Essentially, without Mrs. SSC, I’d still be in the same boat even with my salary being pretty comfortable. I would have just spent it on a boat, a truck to pull the boat, a sweet semi-restored classic muscle car (dude, I sound pretty country when it comes out like that). Anyway, the point is, I’d just blow it on more expensive crap and not be able to retire in 4 years like we’re planning on. I totally understand how most people are in debt to their eyeballs or making 6 figures and broke as hell. It doesn’t matter whether you make $40k a yr or $140k a yr, if you don’t know how to live within your means, you’ll overspend regardless of your income. Just look at how many pro athletes making millions go bankrupt, actors too, musicians… Bad spending habits just mean you blow more money per purchase not that you have enough money to cover your dumb decisions. I just suck at managing finance. I try really hard, but ultimately I’d fail at managing it well, because I haven’t gotten there yet.
BUT, seeing the spreadsheet and last 6 yrs of finance tracking and our budget, I see the benefit of it. Because of Mrs. SSC doing that and her amazing skills, we can retire in 4-6 yrs. living the same lifestyle we do now. Because of budgets and finance tracking, we even have savings to bridge the gap between now and 60 when we can access our 401k. Our budget includes savings, investments, college for kids, and all those other things most people see as secondary. But shifting them into your budget forces you to save and account for that. Like pre-tax 401k contributions, suck it up and do it if you’re not already. I did it even when I was making $35k/yr. You’ll never notice it, except for when you get older and think to yourself, “Thank goodness I saved that money, I can retire now.”
Or, you can cash it out at some point like I did. I would never recommend cashing out your 401k. Read why I did, and what I did with it, from what I can remember, because yeah,it was that great I don’t even know where it all went except general frittering away….Let me know if and how you track your finances, and stay tuned to the next ” Bad decisions” post: Cashing out my 401k!
Mrs. SSC: One tip I have for budgeting, is that I treat our savings as a bill. I set it up to get automatically invested every month, so I have to make sure our budget stays on track. If we need to cut corners on something make ends meet, we are forced to try and trim the grocery bill or other superfluous spending, and not our savings.
This “early retirement” stuff, all started in 2014 when Mrs. SSC started throwing around phrases like “lifestyle creep” and “FIRE”, and talking about how we could retire from the 9 to 5 in maybe 5-7 years, instead of the ~20 years that had always been the plan. I mean, first of all, who REALLY does that, and how do they do it so easily? After checking out all the personal finance articles and blogs that Mrs. SSC was constantly emailing me, I realized that most people do this by living on extremely low, almost unbelievable incomes. Especially, the ones supporting a family. It might work great for them, and I applaud them for being able to achieve FI and retire early, but I just saw it as unfeasible for the lifestyle I want to live.
If only there was a way that we could “pre-tire” and transition from dual income parents to dual stay at home parents and not decrease our current lifestyle. Wouldn’t that be great?! Yeah, I agree. BUT, how does that happen? Can it work for us, and if so how? I plan on showing you our approach and how we are getting there- maybe it will help you get there also.
Let me qualify my opinion and statements on this blog with the fact that I’m horrible with money, budgets, and savings, but especially savings, and budgets, and money. My family was bad at it, so I didn’t have any good financial role models, however, I still thought I was pretty good, since I was the best one with money in my family. But the truth is, I just suck at managing finances. I can manage them, but I manage them right back into the economy and out of my checking account…
Enter Mrs. SSC
Fortunately, I married someone who is great with money, saving, and planning. Actually, she’s great at planning anything and everything and so we go well together. When we finished school and started working she already had a nice rollover 401k, and a little nest egg already built up. I had cashed out my 401k (seriously, I did that, the entire 12k…) and I had a lot of debt. Mostly from school loans, but the rest were simply self-induced due to poor spending habits through ease of spending with credit cards. By paying down ALL those debts month after month, and saving for newer cars, we never got the lifestyle creep that comes with most Dual Income No Kid couples.
While I’d been busy wanting a boat (kayaks are fun, but aren’t boats even more fun?), luxury auto (why not me? can’t we afford a nice car?) and wanting to do things other people were doing, my wife had been working her magic in the background.
I realized that while I’d jokingly referred to budgeting and investing as Mrs. SSC’s hobby, it really was. She would show me her graphs and spreadsheets and I’d peruse them and think, “why the hell can’t I buy a boat? I see it right there. This amount would cover the boat I want, come on, one little boat?” The conversation usually went like this:
Me: “We can afford a boat.”
Mrs. SSC: “Yes, but do we want to afford it?”
Me: “Of course we do! Boats are great, I like fishing, we could have fun on the water every weekend.”
Mrs. SSC: “Where would we keep it? What about tax, title, registration, insurance, gas?”
Me: “Fine, but what about a kayak?”
Mrs. SSC: “You can get a kayak, as long as your allowance covers it.”
That’s why we have an allowance system that works, um, well it worked I guess…
Anyway, I still never realized this goal of early retirement/financial independence was being realized through Mrs. SSC’s planning. Essentially, when she showed me that this whole time we have been living our comfortable life on about 50% of our income, and investing the rest – I realized that our dream could really happen.
For us, it’s simple. We like our jobs, but love spending time with our kids more. We realized that we can keep our current lifestyle and become stay at home parents when we reach our “number” that lets us have enough money to live on from ages 43 to 60. Right now, that’s in 5-7 yrs depending on the stock market and other things out of our control. Best case scenario, in 4 yrs, we can start house hunting in our pretirement town. Worst case, it’s closer to 7 yrs. I say pretirement, because neither of us wants to stop working, however, if we can work at something we like and not worry about raising a family on that income alone, that’s what we’re looking for. Whether it’s teaching part-time, working in a fly shop, maybe a micro-brewery, essentially something that ties in with my likes and hobbies without worrying that it isn’t making much money.
A couple of weeks ago, my wife found a new financial planning/retirement calculator that she has been loving running different models with. It’s easy to use and you can set it to modes like “I always want to live off of $XXk/yr or I’m flexible to live off %/dividends in stock per yr”. You input your values and it runs it from beginning of stock market to current day and lets you know how many times your plan would fail. Through the 20’s, the 80’s, the recent downturns etc… you can see how you would fare. It also shows your ending wealth, assuming you die at 90. You may be able to change that age too, but again, Mrs. SSC’s domain tinkering with these tools, so I won’t quote anything. (OK, she just told me it is called cFIREsim)
However, what it showed me was eye-opening! It was the first time since all this jibber-jabber about ‘early retirement’ and ‘stay at home lifestyle’ was brought up that I realized “Holy Sh!t, we REALLY can retire before 45!” Seriously… Like a cold, wet fish smacked into your face. It is the first time I realized that this was a reality, even though I’ve been a silent conspirator for years now. For those of you with kids (sorry ladies, this is a guys only moment), it’s like when you’ve been feeling the babies kicks through the belly, see him/her moving around, deciding names, putting together cribs, painting rooms, coming up with baby registry lists, etc… It’s all still abstract until birth when you actually see your child, hear their cry, touch them, and it hits you, “this is real”.
Make your own Retirement Baby and watch it grow bigger each day!
My financial independence baby showed up a couple of weeks ago, and holy crap it’s REAL. We can do this without adjusting our current lifestyle. We found our number, worked backwards, and in 4-7 yrs, we can say adios to the 9-5 dual income lifestyle. Maybe you can do the same, but it will be your way, your pace, and your decision on what that number is and how quickly you want to get there. We found ours and are counting down to slowly sipping coffee on our back porch.