Articles with dreams

Forever In Blue Jeans? Done!

I love music, and I have since I can remember. It can give me chills, make me smile, make me cry, it’s the one thing I truly love in so many of its forms. My dad also loved music, stuff I can now appreciate musically, but most of which I still consider “crap” (sorry dad, but a lot of it is bad). Mom was more Motown, R&B, and “oldies” centric, but R&B when it meant rhythm and blues, The Temptations, The Supremes, Marvin Gaye, The Four Tops, Ray Charles, man, I’m giddy just remembering those guys, and yep, just started a good Motown playlist in the background. Aaahhh…

One musician dad was a huge fan of that stuck with me though is Neil Diamond. Man, I love me some Neil! Cheesy as it can be, those lyrics cut to my soul so much, because I just get it. Although, as Mrs. SSC put it, “Neil Diamond, Neil Young, same diff, right?” Oh, Mrs. SSC…

Neil D
I don’t know that he ever wore blue jeans…

But one of his songs in particular lately has struck a chord with me, “Forever in blue jeans.” What a song! It resonates with most of what I read on your blogs most every week, which is mainly that acquiring loads of money doesn’t matter, but as long as you have each other or what you deem your priority in life, you’re good. It’s about getting your life to a point where you call the shots and where you’re happy. Who doesn’t want that?

My whole life I’ve been money centric.

Money, money, money!! This was one of my first purchases as an intern in New Orleans.

Growing up broke as can be with parents that have zero good financial sense, I’ve tried to work towards making as much money as possible so that money is never a worry. Worrying about money, is the worst feeling in my life. It ranks up there with finding out someone you care about has died. I really hate worrying about money. This was my hangup with ER. Why the hell would I walk away from a nice comfortable setup to go back to scrounging just to not work?! No way! But then my focus changed.

For me, it was my kids. After having them I realized 2 things: 1. I’d do anything in the world for them. Yes, this really most exclusively means trading my life for theirs if God forbid that was ever an option, 2. I want to spend as much time with those guys as possible while I can.

One day, they’re going to go make their own lives and it is coming way sooner than I want. I already know this, and they just turned 2 and 4. I only have 16 years before they’re gone and off to college or career or who knows what, but it’s coming.

How does this affect me or my lifestyle or even our FFLC? Man, has my priority switched, because, since then and now, we’ve found our number that we’ve been living off of and can live off of and we have a date when we should reach that number. That date is in about 3 years and then we’ll be leaving our jobs.

Coming back to the Neil Diamond song, I realized my focus was echoed by these lyrics.

“Money talks,
But it don’t sing and dance
And it don’t walk.
And long as I can have you
Here with me, I’d much rather be
Forever in blue jeans”
….”And if you pardon me
I’d like to say
We’ll do okay
Forever in blue jeans, babe
And long as I can have you
Here with me I’d much rather be
Forever in blue jeans, babe”

Let’s see. Our “comfy life” as it is now, involves an almost 1 hr. commute each way, 9’ish hr’s at the office 4-5 days a week, to see the kids an hr or two a day before bed, and then get to hang with them while catching up on other errands/chores and what not over the weekends… Yeah, we’ve made it!! Versus taking a chance that our ER plans go as planned, but maybe we’ll be forever in blue jeans? I’ll take it.

I get really freaked out by this sometimes, and I try to put on a brave face, but I still get worried. Worried that we’ll try and fail. Worried that we’ll leave our “nice” jobs and end up in a horrid life of scrounging, scrimping, and worrying about money constantly. Kill me now, please. The knot and 20 lb weight in my stomach just writing about it makes me SO risk averse, part of me just wants to keep working until I’m really, really, sure I’ll always be good. And this is probably what drives most people to work for SO much of there lives. But that “horrid” life of watching our funds and scrounging for money, if it came to that still sounds like it’s a way better quality one than I’m living now.

I realized I’d rather be doing my life on my terms and forever in blue jeans, than in an office answering, “Yes, sir! Of course sir! Tomorrow sir, you’ll have those reports!” and if sh!t hits the fan, well, I’d rather try and fail than sit by in quiet fear and trepidation wondering what if. You know what I won’t get back ever? Time with my family. I also know that between me and Mrs. SSC, we can be making half the money my family was raised on and we’ll make it work comfortably. So, yeah, I’ll take that chance on spending as much time with family as possible while also maybe making my life way less comfortable than it is now. I have to say, the “comfort” I’m giving up versus the comfort I’m working towards I’ll take any day. And if we’re forever in blue jeans, I don’t count that as a fail either.

What made you want to get to FIRE/FFLC/Not working for the man and doing thing on your terms?


Neil Diamond Picture from

Retiring “Big Sky”?

If you don’t know, Mrs. SSC and I like to watch home renovation shows, Renovation Realities, Property Brothers, and even home buying/selling type of shows like Love it or List It, House Hunters, and recently, Tiny House Hunters and Tiny House Nation. You’re probably thinking, “Thanks for sharing your TV preferences, but what does this all have to do with ER or finance or anything?” Well, recently Mrs. SSC discovered a new show called Living Big Sky, essentially a house hunters for Montana. It has amazing views everywhere you go, and people keep using phrases like, “we loved it so much during vacation, we decided to move here,” and “Every day we wake up we feel like we’re on vacation. Just look at these views.” Which led Mrs. SSC to ask me, “Are we setting the bar too low in the Appalachians? Will we feel like that when we retire? What if we got big views like that too?”
It's No Montana, but it's still beautiful!
It’s No Montana, but it’s still beautiful!

Yes, there are some impressive views, but we’re basically talking about moving from the Gulf Coast to Southern Canada. Previously, we’d investigated places in Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, and the like, but ultimately found what we “think” we’re looking for in Virginia, North Carolina, Eastern Tennessee.

I say, “think” because, except for vacationing around those areas, hiking through those areas, and other short term type of trips, we’ve not gotten out there to visit for a week with the express purpose of house hunting, community snooping, and general poking around to get a feel of the town and surrounding area. The little things like, where are the closest grocery stores, is this area “too far” from town? We’re hoping to get there and do a recon trip in the fall, but that is highly dependent on if Mrs. SSC’s mom can cover the little ones for a few days. I’m not spending 4-7 hours in a car driving around with toddlers in the back. That sounds horrid for everyone involved.

Virginia is nice and has great properties with excellent views. It’s like we discussed, yes, I love the west and Rockies, and those sorts of views, but the Appalachians feel comfortable, and homey, and I find them beautiful. The mountain laurel, rhododendrons, streams, and green-ness of the landscape just brings me back to my growing up days of hiking and backpacking in Eastern Kentucky with my Grandad, and at Mammoth Cave National Park backcountry. I love the hollows and ravines, and rolling hills, broken up by some mountains, and most of all, Fall! I miss seeing leaves change colors, the smell in the air, the crisp bite of winter on the back of a warm fall breeze, reminding you that winter is coming. Almost as nice is Spring. Real Spring, where you feel warm air mixed in with the biting cool breeze, and see trees bud, bright blossoms emerge, and watch the brown landscape become green, lush and vibrant again. After 8 years on the Gulf Coast, I guess I really miss seeing seasons change, and realize that’s something I definitely want.

We are hoping we will have a view like this from our porch!
We are hoping we will have a view like this from our porch!

In the meantime, we started looking out west again. Except for some real fixer uppers that are already at the top of our budget (~$300k – with reno included) we would have to work another year for some out west living. With the experiences of fixing things in the last 2 homes we’ve lived in, plus the horror shows that unfold on Renovation Realities, and Love It or List It, I realize we could spend more than anticipated on a fixer upper. If we’re already at the top of our budget, it gets tight finding something we can afford, with land, etc… Nothing that warrants a whole extra year of working.

If I had a million dollars, I'd still probably move here.
If I had a million dollars, I’d still probably move here.

It reminded me of one of the couples on the Living Big Sky show. They bought a house at the top of their $600k budget, saying “We’ll find a way to make it work, because this is our dream house.” It was custom everything, and they both said, “We just love the uniqueness of everything being custom.” Before I even thought about it I blurted out, “Oh you’ll love it until it breaks, and you’re paying custom prices to fix it.” Side note – our shower door broke Sunday, and after 3 estimates, consultation with 4 companies, and about 5 hours online we found out, there is no repair – only replace…

Ultimately, we think we’ll end up on the East Coast though. The land is cheap, houses are affordable, and we love the views. We may end up somewhere else, but unless we find something amazing at a great price in 3 more years, we’re most likely East Coast bound!

What are your “Big Sky” ER plans?

Are you planning on moving or staying where you are when you pull the trigger?