I Found My Tribe! FinCon 2017
So Much Talking
I spent most of the time at the conference hanging out with 2 bloggers, Mr. PIE and Mrs. BITA, and the experience couldn’t have been better. Just being able to talk openly about our blogs, finances, families, plans, jobs, and more without feeling like I am being judged or criticized was amazing. Having someone to talk to and bounce ideas off of, who is also in a similar position was just one of the better experiences I’ve had. It was also a lot of fun getting to meet up with other groups of people at night and hang out. Yes, I even went into fanboy mode a couple of times, like when I met Paula Pant, and Carl from 1500 Days.

I sometimes forgot that there was a conference going on because we would get so deep into talking to each other. I had a hoarse voice by Friday, and by Saturday, I was downing all kinds of throat lozenges. Let me just say, not everyone experienced that, but have I mentioned I’m a talker? If I didn’t before, most people knew after a few hours of hanging out with me. So much talking, but in an awesome way!

Blog Rebound
To be honest, I have been getting burnt out on the whole blogging scene. Between not having motivation for writing articles each week, maintaining the site, keeping up with everyone on Twitter, reading and commenting on everyone else’s blogs, all while maintaining my “regular life”, I was done. I believe Mr. PIE summed it these types of feelings really well in his farewell post and I too was close to writing something similar.

I was hoping FinCon would provide a spark to bring me back, and if not that, at least I could confirm that, “Yep, I’m done.” Fortunately, the spark was reignited and I feel like I have a lot more to offer. Thanks FinCon! Also, an even bigger thanks to everyone mentioned above, and ones not mentioned that played a role in helping me get my mojo back!

I also learned a little more on ways to get the blog better organized, optimized and I got the kick in the butt to refresh our site. Ugh, what a chore that is going to be, but it hasn’t been refreshed since we started it over 3 years ago now. Even more, I kept telling people about the changes I wanted to make, so now I’m accountable. Whoops!
Time Well Spent
Like I said, I learned some stuff at the conference, but unlike a geological tech conference, I didn’t spend all of my time in sessions, meetings, etc… I spent it hanging out with my tribe and getting back to the reason I started this blog in the first place. Sure, we wanted accountability with ourselves and our FIRE plan, but we thought that maybe we could also help someone else out. This road that we’re on isn’t an unachievable goal, this is something that pretty much anyone can do with enough discipline and mindfulness. We’ve been fortunate enough to get ahead on our plan and are looking at being a couple of years away from our Fully Funded Lifestyle Change.
I’m still on a FinCon high right now, even though I felt like sleep was SO lacking over the weekend. It really is a “you can sleep when you get home Con”. I already bought tickets to FinCon 2018 and will be looking forward to that one in Orlando. Fingers crossed for no hurricanes… I can’t wait to get to meet even more new people and hang out with all of my new friends again! Note to self, bring more throat lozenges this time…
What about you, did you go to FinCon? What did you think was the best part? Are you planning on going next year?
Mrs. Adventure Rich
October 30, 2017It was great meeting you in Dallas, Mr. SSC! I also left FinCon with a renewed purpose and drive. Looking forward to running into you again in this crazy community!
October 30, 2017Yeah it was great meeting you too! I kept adding names to the list above and thought, I know I’m going to forget some people, lol.
Looking forward to the next time!
October 30, 2017If you enjoyed Fincon, definitely check out Camp Mustache. It’s like all the great conversations, without the wonky industry booths and chasing people around town.
October 30, 2017I’d heard that about Camp Mustache and the SA chautauqua, just ahven’t looked into their schedules yet. It’s definitely something I’ll keep in mind. It was good getting to finally catch up with you guys!
Mrs. Picky Pincher
October 30, 2017Yaaaaas! It was great bumping into you at FinCon dude! Holler at me the next time you’re near San Antonio and we can grab a beer or something. 🙂 I don’t think I’ve been this tired since college and my throat is also raspy from talking.
But isn’t it just a blast? 🙂 Already got tickets to Orlando!
October 30, 2017Yeah, it was great getting to meet you too! I’ll let you know next time I’m around SA and we can meet up. My voice is still raspy. I keep getting asked, “Wait, it’s raw from a finance conference? You did that much talking??” hahahahaha
October 30, 2017How could you forget Mrs. Adventure Rich? She is unforgettable! 🙂
It was great to meet you Mr. SSC. I’m so glad you will keep blogging!
I know what you mean. I don’t think I was quite so low into the depths and my recovery wasn’t as much from FinCon but I share many of the same thoughts and feelings. Just knowing there are so many crazy colleagues who are super-passionate is enough to keep me at it for a little while longer. I just need enough momentum to get me to Orlando in 2018!
October 30, 2017I know right?! More than Mrs. Adventure Rich, I realized that I also forgot to mention Fritz from Retirement Manifesto… How can I forget that guy either?! I’m getting old, getting old…
It was great meeting you too, I wish we had gotten to hang out and talk more. Yes, knowing that there is so much passion around this space is a hell of a boost in its own way. I hear you about having the momentum to carry on until Orlando. I mean, I think that it will and have quite a solid blog plan laid out now, but you never know. Life happens. 🙂
Mrs. COD
October 30, 2017So much FOMO right now! (Actually, it’s in the past, so I guess it’s more like IDMO…I did miss out). Sounds like an amazing time at FinCon! It can be so refreshing to spend time with like-minded people who understand what you’re going through and pursuing! Glad to hear you’re rejuvenated in your blog plans, too:)
October 30, 2017Yeah, it is IDMO, lol. It was pretty awesome, and I didn’t do it justice describing how it affected me. Reading other blogs posts about it made me realize that, “My description may be lacking, but it’s good enough for me”. A lot of what I got out of the sessions was, “write to your audience (sorry audience, I need to improve my writing)”, “Be yourself and focus on qulaity, not quantity” and then Paula’s suggestion of “write for your craft and for you”. They all clicked really well with me and have me looking to get back to writing more focused posts and not just whatever drivel is going on in my head currently (sorry audience) lol.
Oh man, it was definitely an amazing experience in SO many ways. Hears to hoping I can implement some of these changes before the FinCon high wears off. 🙂
October 30, 2017I think a lot of us are still FinCon high. It was great meeting all these bloggers I have been talking and reading for years. It felt that everyone that I talked to I could connect immediately Ecuador our common interest with money. Definitely the best conference I’ve been to.
October 30, 2017Yes, it was the best conference I’ve been to for sure. It was great getting to meet so many people and just talk and share ideas, experiences, moving forward plans and more.
Dreamer in Chief
October 30, 2017Glad to see you got the spark back! Seriously about the voice. Within 30 seconds of me talking my wife was like “Are you coming down with something?” No, I’ve just been screaming over expo halls, rock bands, neighborhood bars, hotel bars, a party DJ, and that guy from Cinch for four days straight.
I wrote up a six-month plan on the plane ride home. First up, getting back to you and Keep Thrifty about that thing we talked about in that bar that one night 🙂
October 30, 2017Saturday when I was leaving my wife a voicemail, I thought to myself, “OMG, my voice is shot…” Fortunately Gwen gave me a throat lozenge and it worked so well, I bought some and kept using them the whole rest of the day. It’s amazing how loud every single place we hung out was. No wonder the voice ended up going so quickly. That and I’m a talker, if you didn’t notice, lol.
I’ve been working on my to do list off and on today and will craft out a 6 month plan tonight. And yes… shoot me an email so we can work out that thing we talked about in the bar, I’m still on board. This is NOT the thing about starting our own bitcoin kiosks, right? 🙂 That’s going to be its own separate post.
October 30, 2017Oh man, you are bringing a tear to my eye. What a friggin’ blast!
Perfect way to describe it – I Found my Tribe.
The humor of your good self and Mrs. BITA will live long in the memory.
You didn’t mention BitCoin….. (Ha! Ha!)
How is that Twitter tribe coming along….. (wink, wink)……..
I am still blogging. Got a post coming out Tuesday. Yes, tomorrow……
Thanks for showing the world Mr. PIE appreciates a few things beyond beer, burgers and BitCoin.
Will send you an e-mail tomorrow on the stuff we talked about. It will be a long e-mail.
Until next time!
October 31, 2017Yep, that’s definitely how I felt. Awesome time AND found my tribe. 🙂 I tried pretty hard tow ork in Bitcoin, but that’s going to be its’ own post. Too much to share and not enough space during the Fincon wrapup.
As for the Twitter tribe, yes, I’m aware yours is still twice mine, maybe even more… (shaking fist menacingly) lol
Looking forward to reading your post and your email.
Can’t wait for next time!
Maggie @ Northern Expenditure
October 30, 2017It was SO GREAT spending time with you! I loved it! Forget #FinCon18, make it #Alaska18. 🙂
October 31, 2017Same here, and I’m going to try and convince Mrs. SSC to head up that way. You never know, she may be up for it. Fingers crossed! 🙂
October 30, 2017Bitcoin? Did that actually happen? Oh the things they don’t prepare you for at FinCon… Getting to meet everyone was definitely the highlight. And my costume was pretty rad too 😉
October 31, 2017Don’t worry, I’m going to write a whole post about it. Still can’t decide on a title though. Maybe, “Wanna make money with drugs without actually touching them?” or “Bitcoin, Great Investment opportunity or Is it still really about drugs?” bwahahaha
Yeah that costume was pretty on point. 🙂
October 30, 2017I will say that meeting you and everyone was the highlight of the trip!! The Mrs and I haven’t stopped giggling since we’ve been home. Sitting at my desk this morning wasn’t exactly the easiest thing I’ve ever done. Until next time my friend!!
October 31, 2017Meeting people was the biggest highlight for me too. So unexpected how welcoming, friendly and fun to hang out with everyone was. Not that I was expecting a bunch of sticks in the mud, but I’ve never been to a conference that fun, ever…
Looking forward to next time!
October 31, 2017Oh I’ve go so much FinCon envy and all these post-FinCon posts are are just making it worse! I’m so pleased you guys got to meet and hang out, I’m hoping to catch up with all the socializing at some point!
October 31, 2017It was awesome getting to meet and hang out with your better half, wait your other half, (remember I’ve met him now) lol. Yes, I’d love to meet up and hang out with you as well. Maybe next year tie in a family vacation to Disneyworld along with FinCon? Just a thought.
October 31, 2017Looks like you had a great time. I am amazed to see how many people who attended this year said they already had their tickets for next.
Thanks for the report! 🙂
November 2, 2017Yeah it was definitely an awesome time, well worth it! I am one of those people, because they tend to go up in price, SO quickly. Plus, I got so much out of it, it wasn’t too hard of a decision to make. 🙂
There are definitely better report outs that have been put out there, so I’d bounce around and read a lot of those too. Lots of different perspectives.
October 31, 2017It was SO great getting to meet and hang out with you! The sessions were good and many were inspiring, but the time spent with our tribe was what mattered most to me. Moving from virtual to real friendships helps cement what we are all trying to do for others. It’s a giving group for sure! Glad you found inspiration to carry on, I needed that too.
November 2, 2017It was great meeting you guys too! I agree the sessions I attended were helpful and inspiring, but they didn’t compare to what I got from just hanging with everyone I met. That’s a great way to put it “Moving from virtual to real friendships helps cement what we are all trying to do for others”. It did that for me. I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one that could use the inspiration I found there to keep going on. 🙂
Fritz @ TheRetirementManifesto
October 31, 2017Great to meet you at FinCon, Mr. SSC!! So glad to hear we helped you get your MoJo back! Love your stuff, please don’t ever write a farewell post (and, perhaps, help me convince Mr. PIE to pursue that little tug he’s feeling to start writing again!).
November 2, 2017Great meeting you too, and who would have guessed the Kentucky connection? Not me. 🙂
I’ll do my best to not write a farewell post, and it sounds like Mr. PIE may be back writing again, just maybe not on a super consistent basis. Hey, something beats nothing.
Jim @ Route To Retire
November 1, 2017Awesome meeting you, Mr. SSC!!! This was my first FinCon and blew my expectations out of the water. I still haven’t even had a chance to digest it all though.
I’m glad to hear you got some of that spark back – we don’t want to lose you from the community!
Hope to see you next year in Orlando!
— Jim
November 2, 2017Good meeting you too! Yeah, it totally blew all my expectations away as well. I ahve a ticket for next year, and room blocked out, so barring anything unexpected in life happening, I should be there. 🙂
Sounds like it won’t be nearly the same vibe with no restaurants to walk to from the resort, but I’m sure we’ll all figure something out. Hope to see you then!
Colin @ rebelwithaplan
November 2, 2017This was my 2nd time going and it was a lot better than the last, both in the conference and with myself. I was so introverted the first time I went and didn’t know how I wanted to present my blog. This year was a lot better. The sessions were amazing!
My voice was super hoarse Friday morning because I had spent Thursday night at the opening party talking over the loud music to lots of people, haha. So many good conversations!
November 6, 2017Yeah it was definitely a great time. I felt I got a lot out of the few sessions I went to, and plan to review a couple more online. I’ve checked out some of the ones I had starred but not all of them yet.
Talking over the conference noise, loud music, and everything else going on definitely knocked my voice out quickly. I could tlak but it was very raspy/froggy.
I’m guessing next year I won’t be as introverted and will be more comofrtable. The first day especially I was a bit in my shell before I got comfortable withe veryone and the whole experience.
November 2, 2017I didn’t go this year, but have wanted to. It is usually at a bad time of the semester for me when things are in full swing. I do hope to go eventually and I do love Orlando.
November 6, 2017Yeah, being in the school year makes for some rough planning, even on our end. We’ll have to block out the time on Grandma’s calendar early on to make sure Mrs. SSC has help around the house. 🙂
Mrs. Groovy
November 2, 2017Glad I got to speak to you on the phone and “meet” you at the Halloween party (thank you Fritz, Vicki, and Amy)!
It’s good to hear FinCon invigorated you. I want to meet you next year in Orlando — we bought our tickets and made hotel reservations.
November 6, 2017Haha! It was great at least getting a voice to put to the Groovy cat logo. 🙂 You guys were also well represented at the costume contest.
I got a big recharge from FinCon and look forward to actually meeting you in Orlando. 🙂
Mr. Groovy
November 3, 2017Love Deep Ellum. Did you happen to stop by Cane Rosso? Great pizza. Anyway, thanks for the FinCon rundown. It sounds like you had a blast. And thanks for saying hello to Mrs. Groovy. It really made her night. See you at FinCon 2018, my friend. Cheers.
November 6, 2017Deep Ellum was a blast, but nope, didn’t get to Cane Rosso. It was briefly debated before we settled on burgers at Twisted Pine instead.
See you at FinCon 18, I’m really looking forward to it!
Miss Mazuma
November 3, 2017Woot!! So happy you will be at FinCon18!! I completely understand the burnout phase to blogging. My first blog was extinguished by a move that made the subject matter irrelevant to my life so I had a good reason to stop. Up until that point, however, I had started to feel that lull. I was posting 5x a week and really loving it but nothing seemed fresh anymore when compared to the rest of that community. With this personal finance space, it is easy to feel that way also. In the beginning with Muss Mazuma I wrote multiple times a week then went to once a week then twice a month and now I post whenever the fuck I want. We ALL have stories to tell, just don’t feel the need to schedule them. I am so happy you have that spark reignited because I want to hear more of yours!! 🙂
Here’s to hoping our voices are back to normal for FC18!! Orlando, you best watch out!!
November 6, 2017It was great getting to meet you this year! Yeah, the burnout is real, that’s for sure. I am definitely reinvigorated and while I won’t be bumping up my posts to more than once a week, I wrote up a planner for at least 4-5 months of posts on a weekly schedule. If you can’t tell, I’m not a big Monday poster, because the weekend, lol.
Plus, I find if my posts get published as soon as they’re written, they could always be better. If I let it sit for a day and then review it, I can almost always make it stronger and that’s better to me, than hitting a Monday schedule.
I’m looking forward to Orlando, but it will be hard to top the walkability and access of Deep Ellum. I hear Orlando will be different, but it sounds like a good problem to have. 🙂
Keith Schroeder
November 6, 2017Everybody seems to have the eyeball. There are so many people to meet and only a few days to do it. My voice is still raspy.
November 6, 2017It was pretty popular if you headed down that way. We just happened to walk past it on the way to Dealy Plaza on Saturday morning. My voice took the better part of a week to recover. So much talking… But in a good way.
Revanche @ A Gai Shan Life
November 9, 2017I’m so glad we got three seconds to meet before I called it quits for the night! 🙂
I find it interesting that so many people are talking about burnout this year – I feel like y’all must be WAY more interactive in the community than I am for that to happen, but I’m so glad that people are addressing ways to ameliorate the feeling and continue blogging. I’d hate to lose your voices when I just recently found you!
I used to blog daily, badly, and over the years have found my perfect pace of 2 real posts and 1 link post a week. But even that’s negotiable when I’m juggling too much! Remembering it’s an enjoyable thing and I want it to stay that way helps, of course.
November 11, 2017Yeah, same here! 3 seconds is better than no seconds, lol. I think with the burnout, maybe it’s keeping up with the blog and life for 3 years and only having this last year be the first one with a slower lifestyle pace. I still can’t imagine trying to put out 2-3 posts a week, once a week is fine with my current schedule. Maybe later I might get to 2 week, once work isn’t an issue, but we’ll see. It seems for me that would still be a lot of writing. 🙂