The “About Series” rolls on!
Why did we start this blog
To be honest, we started it mainly to document what we were going to be doing. It was meant as a way to keep us focused on FIRE, now FFLC, and maybe connect with other people out there doing the same thing. We didn’t come across too many people trying to achieve FIRE with kids when we had been perusing the blogosphere, so we thought we would blog about our journey. It was also initially intended to be a side income deal once we kick-off our FFLC, but now I don’t know that we will go that route. Who knows what the future may hold though, maybe there will be some ads in the future, and we’ll try to harvest those pennies, but until then, Meh….
What’s the point of SSC
Slowly Sipping Coffee is really our way to keep focused on our goals. I hadn’t been on board with this whole FIRE idea, because the few blogs that Mrs. SSC had sent me to were filled with uber extreme minimalists and ER folks. Everyone has their own idea of what is minimal and what is extravagant, and I didn’t see us being able to do this to our comfort level. When I did get on board with it, this blog seemed to be a good way to stay true to that, and put another FIRE perspective out there.

What do we get out of it
I get an outlet to write, and you guys get subjected to my drivel each week, HA! Seriously, though I get a lot out of it. Beyond getting to tap into my creative side by coming up with post ideas, I like getting to think about things, post work life, family life, and everything in between. It helps me to think about how this is all interconnected and how one little thing affects everything else. I mean, I went from reading exactly zero blogs on personal finance, retirement, investing, and all that to being able to hold my own with a financial planner one-on-one in his office (that’s a whole separate post – maybe even two). I now read numerous blogs each week and like catching up with you guys out there in blog-ville. Seeing other people move their dates up, back, sideways, and reading about all the other motivations you guys have for wanting to FIRE has been great. Thanks to everyone out there that puts out good posts, and remind me each week that we’re actually doing this!
What’s the name all about
The name came up almost as organically as the blog idea did. We were literally sitting there sipping coffee on one of our Friday mornings off, when I said, “We should start a blog!” Once we decided we’d become bloggers, we had to pick a name. We had some interesting choices, most of which I forget now, so see, we chose wisely. Ultimately, we settled on the name Slowly Sipping Coffee, because except for our every other Friday’s off, we don’t get the luxury to sit and slowly sip anything.* With two toddlers running around, the weekends start at ~5-5:30 am and we can’t sit down and relax again until around 7-8 pm when they’re in bed, and actually staying there… We imagined our FIRE life being more of a, “get up, get the kids off to the bus stop, wave goodbye, and then head inside to get some coffee and go sit on the back deck or front porch and enjoy the view before we start our day.” Since we want the freedom and time to get to slowly sip anything, we thought it went hand in hand with what this blog is about. Plus, I’m a BIG coffee drinker, and that’s why it isn’t slowly sipping milkshakes, slowly sipping tea, or slowly sipping bourbon, which is really the only way it should be enjoyed.
What’s in our blog header
Our blog header is a picture the Mrs. took on a family trip out to Tahoe. It’s some beautiful country, and since we want to retire to mountains, we thought it was fitting. At the time, we were still scouring the Rockies for places, so it fit well with that. We may have to update it to some more Appalachian style views when we go visit out there. Until then, here’s one from a past trip.

Who writes our blog
It started off as a joint venture, but I do 98% of the writing now (that’s Mr. SSC). I like writing and except that I can tend to be really long winded even while typing, it comes easier for me than Mrs. SSC. She does make a good editor though, especially in the earlier days when I was still trying to find my voice and tended to blather on and on, and go on “shiny” mid-post tangents that make no sense but seemed to be important at the time, like this sentence. 🙂
Where do we think the blog is headed
I’m not too sure where the blog is headed, but we just hit our 1 year anniversary, so that’s pretty awesome! I like to think that it will be around when things get more interesting and we can be like Living AFI and post our actual FFLC experiences instead of our “working to get to FFLC” experiences.
Random fun facts about us we’ve never shared before
I am a big “Dead” head – enough so that I “burned out” Mrs. SSC on their music, she alleges. At least solo commuting I can crank it up on the way to and from work. That or bluegrass depending on the mood. But really, I like both kinds of music, Country and Western. 😉

The Mrs. and I met as interns in New Orleans – yep, it’s an oil patch love story.
If money wasn’t an issue I’d be teaching and I wouldn’t be looking for oil. It was fun having an intern this year that knew nothing about petroleum geology or the industry and getting to teach her all of that stuff and see the “light bulb moment” when she got a new concept.
Pre FIRE Mr. SSC was horrible with money. Beyond my credit card and student loan boondoggles, I would buy musical instruments I didn’t know how to play thinking it would be a good idea to learn a new instrument. Ultimately, they would sit there and I would end up not playing them. I still occasionally find myself online thinking, “I’ve always wanted to play the cello….”
* – We work a 9-80 schedule where we work 9 hr days 4 days a week, and every other Friday is an 8 hr day. This leads to having every other Friday off, which is pretty dang awesome!