
Change is Hard, but NOT Impossible

With 2020 being what it is, and especially recently, with the murder of George Floyd by police officers, I felt I needed to write something from my perspective. This has little to nothing to do with personal finance, but if you’ve read any of my blog, you realize, neither does the rest of my blog. Maybe time for a rebrand? Regardless…

I was raised in Western Kentucky, Bowling Green, specifically and I was raised in a racist household. It was the kind of place where one says, “We’re not racist! Look at all of our black friends! Look at all that we do for black people, POC and those less fortunate.” To be fair, that is not an untrue statement. Growing up, we supported churches that ran mission trips to Mexico every summer, and we were close family friends with a pastor that traveled around preaching. We would typically host them and one of the Mexican preachers that had come up to preach for the summer, or a revival, or whatever. It wasn’t a big deal for our friends to stay the night, or wait at our house for rides to school, to help their parents out. We hosted a Cambodian refugee in the 80’s and it was one of the best experiences I’ve had.

Yes, We Were Racist

Through all of this support, help, and friendship; racism was still present in our house. I grew up being told I wasn’t racist either, yet I know scores of Ethiopian jokes (think famine 80’s), “Black jokes” and more. It was just a part of our background and raising. Did we hear the N word used a lot? Nope. Not a lot, but enough. Through it all, all the derogatory statements, all the “there’s a difference between N-words and black people”, all the jokes, it was just a part of the culture. Hell, I was approached to join the local klan group, yes, kkk, that klan group when I was in highschool (fuck those guys). I graduated highschool in 1995 for fucks sake. Why was that still a thing then? More to the point, why is it still a thing now? There was still obvious, public hate against African-Americans, Mexicans, Cambodians now that our town had a decent population, Afghani’s (we had an influx during/after the Russian Afghan war), Serbians, Croations, Bosnians, yeah, our town was on the “refugee list” for many refugee crises. We had a diverse population, and racism was alive and well to push down any non-white, and even white people that looked or sounded different than your typical Kentuckian. To be fair, put a typical Kentuckian in any part of the US and guess who will sound different? The Kentuckian…

It wasn’t until highschool, that I realized I had no actual reason for feeling the way I did about African Americans, or hell, anyone non-white for that matter. What sparked that revelation? A cross burning in our friends yard one night. Yep, a GD cross burning in the early 90’s. These people worked as a farmer and nurse, and were kind and generous to everyone. But, they had a cross burned in their yard, and kkk being chock full of morons, it fell over and burned up 1/3 of their crop. Seeing my friend’s emotional reaction to it the next day got me thinking. They’d lost 1/3 of their income, and sure, they could use insurance, but that’s going to raise rates and why? Because they were a target of a hate crime. Ridiculous…

It made me question my thoughts and beliefs and realize that I didn’t have to keep feeling like that, or thinking like that. I had no literal reason to feel that way towards any non-whites. So, I made the decision to change.

I made the decision to change my thinking and get that shit out of my head.

That’s great, yay! Racism is over! Except, that’s not how that works at all…

Change is HARD

It was difficult, the hardest thing I’ve done yet, to be honest. Through all that work, and retraining my thoughts to not automatically say something derogatory, or use words as weapons when fighting, or any of that was kind of the easiest part. Just stop saying it. That’s a great first step. Stopping thinking it is more difficult.

It’s like you’re raised with a family pet, that you think is all nice and fine. Not the most cuddly pet, but you don’t see anything wrong with it, because everyone else thinks it’s fine. Then one day, you realize, your family pet is a venomous animal and you’re stuck with it for your entire life. You can’t kill it, no matter how much you try. So, you do what you can and make a nice little cage for it and lock it away. It’s there. Everpresent. Always with you, but just not actively beside you.

That’s how I feel it is trying to “not be racist” and change my thinking from racist thoughts to just not having them. You can’t ever get rid of that mentality. This isn’t Sunshine of the Eternal Mind and you can just wipe your brain of all that and start clean. Nope, it’s still there.

The biggest difference is that I don’t feed it, I don’t engage with it, and still to this day, I keep trying to kill it only to realize, it ain’t dead yet…

That sucks.

Am I racist? No, I don’t feel that way anymore, but approaching it by saying “I’m not racist anymore, problem solved! Whew, thank goodness! Who’s ready for a cold one?!” Yeah, it doesn’t work like that either.

Mission Accomplished! Wait… No… No it isn’t.

The problem is still there. Like my neighbor Chad in LA. First person I’ve ever had tell me that he calls Blacks and POC Democrats. Why? “Because then they won’t know you’re talking about ‘em!” Riiiiiight… Riiight. Fucking Chad… We talked a lot about that when we would hang out, not constantly and not ever getting to a point of hostility, but enough. We realized, like me, it was how he was raised, and he was fine with that. He had lots of examples to back up his standpoint, and I’d counter with mine, and we’d agree to disagree by the end. Always some interesting talks when it was brought up, to be honest, but fucking Chad… And he wasn’t alone. There were lots of people that feel that way.

My mom for instance. JFC, my mom… One of the last times I was hanging out with her in Houston, before I cut off all contact, she was throwing the N word into conversation like she was saying hello. I said, “Whoa, whoa whoa… You can’t say that! Why do you think it’s okay to say that? You teach in a charter school in NOLA for fucks sake! How can you use that word and also talk about “your kids” that you teach being so dear to you and so special to you? And then use that word?” Yeah, imagine being raised with that flippant attitude towards racism and similar attitude towards “not being racist.” No wonder I was confused. But, that’s the kind of house I was raised in. Which makes it very difficult to untangle all of that, and separate out what’s real, what’s fake, what means something to you and what doesn’t.

It’s similar to being raised in a very religious household, and one day you start questioning said religion. Let’s take Baptists, because that’s what I was raised as. Eeeesh… My experience, was that organized religion, and especially Baptists, and especially Southern Baptists, are the biggest bunch of judgmental, hypocritical sons of bitches I’ve ever had the misfortune to deal with. Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson are perfect examples of the shit religion I was raised around. When they make asinine statements like 9/11 wasn’t because of terrorists, but because our once holy nation has become Sodom and Gomorrha with allowing homosexuality, abortions, secular schools and more, and that’s god’s punishment. Yeah, keep your fucking god, because that’s not one I want to align with, worship, or any of that. Sounds fucking awful and like a horrible god… No thanks…

At some point, you choose to think for yourself, or stay in the mire. With religion and racism, I chose the former and decided I could be better. I might not be perfect, but I can be better than I was raised. Neither were easy to change, but both were empowering, freeing, and helped shape me to be who I am today. All of it.

Silence is Deadly

It’s not enough to be “not racist”. Who cares that you’re “not racist” if you’re just silently standing by and letting racism happen, and say, “But, I’M not racist, and that’s what matters.” No it isn’t…

The Only Thing Necessary for the Tirumph of Evil is for Good Men to do Nothing – Edmund Burke 

You need to be a champion, and support those that are still dealing with this issue. Because here we are in 2020, and the only thing that looks different from the 60’s riots (based on historical data, I’m not THAT old, lol) is the police are WAY more militarized, they use WAY less water cannons and German Shepherds, and are WAY more deadly to people of color, and those marginalized in society. What’s changed? Nothing. Not a GD thing in my opinion…

Am I a good champion? Nope, definitely not as much as I could be. Couldn’t we all do more?

Yes! Always! With everything! We can always do more!! So, I do what I can, when I can, and try to not be a silent observer on the sidelines.

This isn’t me calling out anyone for doing too little or a call to arms for everyone to do more.

You do you, and I’ll do me. Only you know what you feel like, how you feel, and whether you’ve got enough in your mental, financial, and physical tank to do more. Do what you can. Doing something, regardless of how small it may seem, is definitely better than doing nothing. And for those doing what they can! Yay, for you! Thanks for being supportive, thanks for taking a stand, and thanks for doing what you’re doing.

Change is hard. Hard but not impossible.

I’m still dealing with my journey and it’s still something that takes effort every day to keep that stupid godawful family pet in its cage, unfed, and away from my active life. Without actively working against it, it’s easy to become complicit.

Now is not the time for being complicit. It’s definitely not the time to stay silent on the sidelines. Do what you can, where you can, and how you can. But don’t do, nothing…

Embracing the Suck

Recently, a LOT has changed around here, like, a whole lot. My living situation, income situation, financial situation, relationship situation, hell, everything except a new vehicle to be honest. Although, TIL, I’m making $60/day as a sub which means I just got a raise! Yes! Crushing it!! Sweetest $8/hr evr earned. But seriously, through all of this, positivity needs to reign supreme and I need to avoid getting into the rut of depression, sadness, and all the feels that come along with major life transitions such as this. Or do I? Do I really need to stay super positive and Mary Poppins-esque? Hell no! I think a situation like this, calls for a different tact, a new approach, and one I call, “embracing the suck”.

What is “embracing the suck” all about? Well, put simply, you don’t avoid, minimize, or even improve your situation, until you’ve fully accepted it for what it is. Maybe it’s just a temporary setback that is an opportunity for new hope, exciting things, and a new direction. Maybe it’s not temporary but permanent, and you feel “stuck” about that situation. For me, embracing the suck is gathering all those stress inducing worries into a single place and see if I can do anything about them to make them suck just a little bit less.

This cake made my day suck a little less…

I liken it to a could of flies that suddenly shows up buzzing around your head. You don’t want them there but how do you get rid of them effectively? Sure, you can flail wildly about, but you’ll probably just look ridiculous and as soon as you stop, all that energy was wasted, because guess what’s still there? That cloud of annoying flies – i.e. “worries”. You could also choose to do nothing and accept that this is your current situation, and just embrace it. Let the flies crawl all over your face, ON your eyes, in your nose even. To me, this is how intrusive some of my worries get… When you hit the point that you DON’t want those flies (worries) bugging you so much, try this. Stop, focus on each fly, and pick ONE to attack (embrace the suck), address it and then move to the next one. Here’s why I find it helpful.

Our Lifestyle’s Changing! Again…

In my last post I was talking about dealing with depression the last decade or more and how even though I used talk therapy and thought I’d dealt with it head on, it didn’t really work out that way in hindsight. Depression is a hell of a thing and leaves a massive path of havoc in its wake. Well, my experience is no different. There have been messed up relationships with me and the kids – I was known as “Angry Dad” back in Texas – there have been messed up relationships with family and it has just wreaked havoc on my life the last 11 yrs or so. Despite our best efforts holding our relationship together thru all of that turmoil and more, ultimately, Mrs. SSC and I are separating.
Puts a new spin on this tweet, huh?
Mrs. SSC

I can honestly say I haven’t met one person as impactful on my life as Mrs. SSC. She turned me around to become a better person, a better version of me, even while struggling thru my depression. She set our family up very, very, well in life financially and I wouldn’t even be involved in this community if it wasn’t for her. While I was the one that took to it like a fish in water, she was the one that introduced me to the PF community, FIRE – I still don’t want to live off $26k/yr – and put us in the position to let me be a Stay At Home Dad (SAHD) the last 15 months.

She’s been truly amazing for me and without her I have no doubt that I wouldn’t here to write this. She’s done a lot for me and my life in ways I won’t even go into. For that I am truly thankful. Thank-you so much.

Slowly Sipping Coffee

The blog will continue on. I’ll revamp some of it since it’s just me now but there’s a whole shit ton of stuff for me to unpack (pun intended), sort through, and figure out moving forward. All of this will be amazing blog fodder, a great place for me to work thru things as well, and will have a lot more interesting reads than loads of Twitter pics of “lumberjacking”, snake wrangling, spider herding, and more!

Missed the house completely!


Typical OK fauna.
She’s hibernating quite peacefully. Not dead. Not that peaceful, lol.

There will be fun posts like, “But I don’t want to get a job” followed up with, “So, I got a job ☹” or, “I need a doc, my passive income stream won’t start!” followed by, “Maybe I need a urologist, because my passive income stream keeps stopping and starting…” Whatever comes of life, you can be sure I’ll put most of it on here. 😊

Me – Jay – Mr. SSC

Well, now that my lifestyle is different, I’ve got to figure out life. I have plenty of ideas of what to do for passive income or other income streams, those will be in a future post, and what to do with life in general. I really like the life I have right now with volunteering, subbing (yes, even subbing), CASA (I’m about to get a new case), and Scouts. It has been nice and I like the freedom to go to the kids fieldtrips, their school, see them during the day, sub for their class (2x now), or more. They keep telling me to sign up for gym sub and I’m like, “those go really quickly! Lol”

Also moving forward, expect to keep seeing as many pics of me as I have already posted. I won’t change the avatar because, come on, I Dream of Fire nailed it with that one! I will have a pic or 2 of me on the blog and use my name and all that stuff because I don’t care about anonymity. It’s just who I am.

Hi, I’m Jay, I’m a talkative over-sharer, nice to meet you!

The beard comes and goes…

That’s it. We’re separating, life will be different and crazy and who knows what it will look like a year from now? I know for sure that I certainly have no clue what it would look like. I know we’ll be co-parenting and raising our family with as much cooperation, love, and support from the 2 of us as there was before, except it will never be like before because the whole situation is different, but, you get it right?

That’s what’s going on around here. I hope your holidays were INFINITELY better than mine, and that you’re also NOT dealing with this sort of situation. Unless you’re getting out of a bad situation and then, good for you! Way to take control and get your life back!  I hope everyone has a great, safe, New Year’s Eve and an even happier New Year!

I’m gonna miss this viiew…

I’ll see you in 2020!

Who You Are is NOT Defined by What You Do

It’s amazing how perspective changes over time. When I first quit work, I felt I had to justify my existence as a Stay at Home Dad (SAHD) by using all the titles of my “past life”. I would meet people and when they would ask, “Oh, what do you do?” I’d go into my canned speech, of, “well, I used to be a geologist, but now I’m a stay at home dad, but I do all this other stuff to make up for it.” As if I’m apologizing for not working or something… When probed about how easy it should be to find work around OKC, I’d go on about, nope, not looking for work right now, just volunteering and doing family stuff. Then I’d even talk about all the volunteering I was doing like it would earn me a prize or something.

Later, much later, I realized I was looking for validation since I wasn’t getting that with many of my current volunteer roles. I mean sure, everyone loves a volunteer, but where’s my performance review?! Where’s a bonus showing how well I did?! Where’s a gold sticker for fucks sake?! Oh right, I don’t get those because it’s volunteering and um, well, that doesn’t happen. So, what happened to make me not even mention my past life anymore, much less my new job, and now I can be more than okay with it? A perspective shift, confidence in who I am, and accepting my current role for what it is.

Real Estate Negotiations Suck…

It’s been a long time since the last post huh?! Don’t worry I’ll be back to regular posting next week catching you up on all the good things that have been going on around our household, but in the meantime enjoy this update about our current real estate transaction. We’re in the midst of negotiations with our Houston house and what a cluster… I’ve gotten worked up over this for all of about 18 hours yesterday before I “let it go”.
You’re welcome if this song gets stuck in your head.

Here’s a quick backstory.

The house didn’t get 1 showing the first 3 months. Lot of competition with new construction, and decent, but not amazing photos didn’t help. Then we got a few showings but it was still slow. When we moved our stuff out 3 weeks ago, we took new pictures and they came out great. We got about 10-12 showings after that and ended up with an offer. We began negotiating a price, then they read the disclosure and saw we treated the house for termites after they got into our front room (formal dining room). This is where the fun began!

It’s Still About a Lifestyle Change – Not Early Retirement.

Over the last week or so Mrs. SSC has come up with FFLC (Fully Funded Lifestyle Change) version 3.0. I think it’s 3.0, but it’s probably more like version 12.0. This is focused more on how we see our Lifestyle Change and less on whether or not it’s truly Early Retirement. Version 1.0 was that we both quit at the same time and move out West, or to the East Coast and become full-time stay at home parents. Version 2.0 was that Mrs. SSC would continue teaching and I would quit and become a full-time stay at home parent, but we’d still be moving out of Texas, and definitely Houston. So what’s different with version 3.0?
Not moving close to views like this...
Not moving close to views like this…

Well, with the lack of jobs anywhere in the U.S. for Mrs. SSC to apply to, and the fact that she loves her current gig where she is now; this version of our Lifestyle Change has us staying in Texas, but moving out to Hill Country. Yep, there’s still no snow, still no snowboarding, but I’d be able to be a stay at home dad, she’d be able to continue teaching and we could live in a drier more hilly part of Texas. Again, we’d be Changing our Lifestyle, not necessarily focused as much on “just not working”.  What’s driving this new change and where did it come from so quickly? In short, we’re making our own future and not waiting for it to happen to us.

You’ll Never Know if You Don’t Try…

Over the weekend, I was catching up on some recordings of Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency and I was struck by a conversation that went on during the show. The really short setup is they’re looking for something based on a map they’ve found, and they have been digging holes, fairly randomly at one of the “X” locations. When Todd wants to quit digging and look somewhere else, Dirk points out that they’re in as good a place as any to look for their treasure, so why quit. As he puts it, “What if you’re only one shovelful away from finding it but you stop. You’ll never know, will you, because you gave up. What you’re looking for could be right there, and you walk away right at the worst moment. I’m trying to say, You’ll never know if you don’t try.” That last part really stuck with me in relation to our Fully Funded Lifestyle Change (FFLC) journey, recent career changes, and even a new venture concept I came up with a few months ago. Let’s start with the FFLC aspect.

What do you do to get out of a slump?

Lately, my brain has been pretty frenetic and it’s hard to get it to calm down enough to focus and write a decent blog post. I think most of the concentrating/focus gets used up during the day, as I’ve been fairly busy at work recently redoing and updating some geomodels. It’s not bad, but there is a lot of tedium involved that takes a lot of focus and thought or you’ll be spending tomorrow redoing the work you spent today doing. This has carried over at home too, as I find I’m more prone to be tired, like really tired, and that leads to a grumpy Mr. SSC which no one enjoys having around. So my question to you is, have you gotten into these “slumps” and what did you do to get out of them? Here’s what I’ve been trying and isn’t working so far.