August 2015 Budget Update and More!

Where to begin with the budget this month? Some surprising things we noticed. Greyhounds eat a LOT, haha! Our new grocery norm has jumped to ~$600, so the kids must be eating more… Oh yeah, daycare trumps the mortgage again this month, as it was a 5 Monday month. Yep, those little ones eat more, cost more, and our oldest is now in uniforms, so there was that extra cost. Upside, we found some uniform shirts at Goodwill of all places, so woohoo! Of course this was after ordering the bare minimum he would need. Mrs. SSC tried and failed getting uniforms on ebay, especially when the bids ended higher than buying brand new, wtf people?!
Daycare - you cruel expensive mistress!
Daycare – you cruel expensive mistress!

Everything else pretty much stayed on par, so that’s always a good thing.

Money, money, money! Going to someone else...
Money, money, money! Going to someone else…

In the winning column, we realized we’re at 70% of our savings goal this year ($150k) and we just may be able to pull it off if we stay focused. Our FIRE costs would have been ~$4,050 this month, and our current running total of our annual FIRE spending would be ~$55,700. As Mrs. SSC pointed out, this is with a 5% slush built in, and allowances. Take those out, and we are at a solid $40k, which is pretty good considering that we have a solid $15k buffer if things get wonky after we leave the workforce.

Speaking of leaving the workforce, Mrs. SSC is one week away from applying for her job again! She gets to also apply for 3 others, and hope she lands in one of them. More on that in upcoming posts though, when we have more to share. This has led to a LOT of re-evaluation of our life plans though. Mrs. SSC always wanted to teach and has recently begun looking for teaching jobs. We realize it’s the off season, and I have another 22 months until I get vested in my current 401k, so we’re not planning on leaving before then. However…. We’ve come to realize that we can probably pull the trigger as early as 2017 if some things happen. Mainly, if Mrs. SSC gets a teaching job somewhere that could buffer dipping into our savings for a year or two, we could begin our Fully Funded Lifestyle Change (FFLC) early. It would be more of a Mostly Funded Lifestyle Change, but one we think would be for the better. I really like my job, but I love lots of other things WAY more. 🙂

We both think that we are about done with our current lifestyle. Mrs. SSC wakes up at 5 am, short commute ~30 min, work, gets home by 4pm to get the kids and get them dinner. I get up at 5:30am, get the kids dropped off at 6:30am (poor kids), traffic ~40 min, work, more traffic ~50-60 min, then home by 6pm. I get to see the kids for an hour or so, then they get put to bed, and I have time to exercise/make dinner/relax/catch up with Mrs. SSC, my choice! Hahaha…. Then repeat 4-5 days a week. I’m appreciative to have my job, and very grateful of what it has afforded us, but man, this schedule sucks! So, we’re doing what we can to try and shorten our FFLC date. Even if it means (call the retirement police) working after beginning our FFLC.

While we will get more clarity on what path we may travel in the upcoming weeks, we have decided our current path is not sustainable. What that actually means in terms of our going forward plan, who knows. We’ll be sure to keep you informed however this whole thing shakes out though.

Have you had any workplace or lifestyle epiphanies lately?
Do your kids cost more than your house? 
Are these budget updates a helpful prophylactic for those currently without children?

Is this your car and family?
Is this your car and “family”?