Time Can Rack up Debts, Just Like Money
Today I’ll be talking about intentionality with your time. Like being intentional with your money, if you’re not intentional with your time it gets away from you. You can rack up all kinds of “time debts” and stress yourself out in new ways you didn’t even know existed. The beauty is that just like monetary debts, you can free yourself from these time debts by being intentional with your time. Here’s what I’ve noticed over the last 6 months and how I’ve racked up and cleared a lot of time debt with myself.
Time Debts
You’re probably asking yourself, “What the F*** are time debts?” I see time debts as things you need or want to do yet, push off for some meaningless, worthless task that distracted you. For instance, let’s say in the morning, I plan on reading blogs, commenting, and checking in with the PF (Personal Finance) community before I go do other things. Easy Peasy right? Nothing to stress about and it’s an easy task. After Mrs. SSC heads to campus at 7am, I sit on the couch and slowly sip my coffee and flip thru the news on my phone. Then I flip thru Twitter, because it’s PF related too right? I get an email pop-up and it reminds me I need to research brush hauling companies, and while I do that I get spun off researching used trucks and next thing I know, it’s an hr and a half later… I’ve done nothing of what I planned.
What I did do was create a time debt that I’m going to have to pay back to myself by taking from some other planned activity later in the day or the next day. That sounds a lot like surfing the internet or getting distracted, so what’s the big deal, right? I thought the same thing until I noticed I was adding stress into my life creating lots of these time debts. Like credit cards and student loans, they don’t magically disappear, they just compound and get bigger and bigger. Eventually, you have to pay them off. Especially like credit cards and student loans, they just add an additional background layer of stress reminding you that they’re there. I find it very annoying. How can we pay them off or avoid them altogether?
Spending Habits Apply to Time Too
I found that how I spend time is VERY correlative to how I spend money. In the past, I had no issues acquiring debt, and I would spend money like a drunken sailor. I’ve reigned it in quite a bit, but I can still spend all of my “allowance” money every month and wish there was more around. Yikes! How am I a PF blogger?! When I initially had free reign over my time, I found I also spent it very freely and very unintentionally. Actually, it was intentional, but more selfish intentional. For instance, I’d be in the yard cutting down trees, and chopping them up until the kids got home. Then I’d keep on until Mrs. SSC got home. Instead of having dinner started and time with my family, I still needed to put up tools and take a shower. I’ve not only created a big-time debt for me but also my family, because I’ve just stolen their time for me to do yard work and they have to cover dinner and other responsibilities. Damnit, now I’m a time thief?! Argh!
I found that exactly like finances and spending, I had to be intentional where I spent my time and where I was stealing time from others. Instead of having this looming feeling of guilt that I’d stolen time from the family, I could stop working by 3pm, because it will be there the next day, and be cleaned up by the time the kids get home. It sounds like a simple concept, but man, it was really hard for me to implement.
Habits are HARD to Break
I started thinking, how can I quit creating these time debts and being so sloppy and un-intentional with my time? I tried making a schedule and putting it on Google calendar but all that did was give me more things to dismiss during the day when the reminders would pop up. This wasn’t helpful for me in establishing new habits with spending time, so I gave up and quit trying. Ok, I’m kidding, I didn’t quit, I just kept trying new things. I found that using Google Calendar was good for setting schedules like kids snack day, dr appt’s, vet appt’s, school events, volunteering, training, FIRE MM’s, etc… but what about that pile of free time I had in between all of those?
How do I keep from building time debts doing stupid shit like playing phone games instead of doing something more productive and constructive? I have to be intentional about it and use discipline. Gah!! Not discipline… Why can’t it just be easy and happen without work? Well, that’s not how life works unfortunately, trust me I tried. For instance, yesterday, I walked 16,000 steps and ate an apple and I didn’t lost one pound!! So frustrating! It should all be easy, but it just isn’t. If you’re not willing to put in the work to make the change, the change won’t happen. Not with spending time currency, real currency, or trying to lose weight.
I also found that a change in mindset was needed. Instead of feeling guilty about some of the time debts I’d create for myself, I’d just acknowledge that I wasn’t a good steward of my time and work to do better. I would note what I was unintentionally spending time on and curb it. Deleting phone games is easy – thumb down, move to trash, and done. It took time, but I noticed patterns and worked to create patterns I liked better.
Track Your “Time” Spending
Time and Money are so similar, it’s eery. After realizing this, I realized I needed to track my time. What were my time thiefs, what were my time equivalent of daily $6 latte’s, or $250 monthly gym fees that aren’t being used. Paying attention to these will tell you a lot about yourself just like tracking your $$ spending will. Just like tracking $$ spending, tracking your time spending shows lots of patterns and you can use that information to adjust your schedule to something you’d want to spend your time on and not fritter it away unintentionally. It reminds me of someone that used to say, “That’s a future Mr. SSC problem”. Guess what? I’m future Mr. SSC and I still don’t want that problem.
I found that a lot of my time debts came from phones and tablets. Who would’ve thought?! Shocking, I know! I also found that I needed to set alarms on my watch so that when I’m busy into something intentional, I make sure it doesn’t bleed into stealing time from someone else. My hobbies created a lot of time debts for me with housework, groceries, dinners, etc… Like I mentioned before, seeing those patterns helped with setting boundaries and like finances, learning to better manage my time.
New Patterns Emerge
I settled on a hybrid version of a rigid schedule and calendar reminders. While I still use calendar reminders religiously, and couldn’t be effective without them, I found other things that helped me develop better time spending habits and have settled on this type of schedule.
I put things into days like, Monday’s are for cleaning, Tue/Wed/Fri is for hiking/running, and Thur is for volunteering at the kids’ school. The rest of the “free” time in those days is where I put all the other stuff like groceries, yard work, wood working, music playing, etc…
I also found that I am more of a list person. If I have a list of things that need to be done during the week, and I am MUCH better at getting them done within the “free” time frames that don’t steal time from others. I find it hard to be a set schedule person because some days I may feel like woodworking, and not cleaning. Ok, I never feel like cleaning, but I can bump it to a day that I’d rather be inside or that most of my day is chewed up with other time sucks. By being intentional, I am aware that if I bump cleaning to a different day, it will cut into hiking, which will cut into woodworking, which will bump it into the next day. I ask myself, “Is it worth it to not clean today, when it might mean I can’t do woodworking tomorrow? What am I going to do instead of cleaning that is better than woodworking and make it worth it?” I found that just framing it like this to myself helped a lot too.
Now I can keep a more fluid schedule, a list of “must-do’s” for the week, and have a general idea of what my “wants” are and be able to spend my time more effectively. Get it? Spend… Time… Groan…
Time is like money, and like money, I was not very good at managing it effectively. I racked up a lot of time debt and had to figure out how to clear it all and get into better time spending habits. I did it by tracking my spending of time, finding my time sucks and eliminating them, or at least acknowledging they are there and being aware and intentional toward any “wasted” time going towards them, and finally finding a good time management strategy that works for me. Like personal finance, your strategy will be different from mine, but I think it’s worth looking into and figuring out. I found it took a lot of background stress and noise away.
February 13, 2019Yes to ALL OF THIS! And it became so much more pronounced once I had HP. When people comment that they don’t know how I do it all (for starters, I don’t), I always smile to myself. It’s because I’ve cut out so much time “fluff”.
February 14, 2019Oh man, I’d forgotten how much harder the transition to having our oldest was! Yeah, same thing, it makes it that much more apparent where your time goes. If you’re not intentional, whew, things can get out of hand quickly!
Like spending if you can identify time fluff and cut it out, it’s amazing what a difference it makes to your state of mind, time available and relative productivity.
February 13, 2019This really resonated with me! Thank you. 🙂
February 14, 2019Awesome, I’m glad it connected. 🙂
Dave @ Accidental FIRE
February 13, 2019I have one really bad time habit. When I have writer’s block and I’m trying to write a blog post, I’ll stare at the monitor, stare some more, then I’ll open solitaire. It has helped me once or twice by diverting my mind to free up ideas, but mostly it just helps me avoid writing.
February 14, 2019Oh, solitaire! At my geotech job it was minesweeper, and my boss and I would try and one up each others times… So productive, lol. When I was writing my thesis and get stuck I’d go online and play this exploding pool game. Think regular pool with bombs on the table as well. Anyway, like you, sometimes stepping away helped and others it was just avoiding writing. 🙂
February 13, 2019I have read all of your posts, and really enjoy how honest and frank you are. This is an issue even for us working stiffs. I have tried to stay organized and keep all of my tasks and to do’s organized. Something that has really helped me (though I admit it has been hard to stick to) is GTD (Getting Things Done). You can pick up the book at amazon or your local library. It has some good tools for keeping tasks straight and getting things prioritized. I find that a lot of the time a task is so overwhelming that the weight of it allow keeps me pushing it off. GTD shows how to break a big task down and make each individual step more manageable. Also, a great tool for tasks is todoist.com.
February 14, 2019Thanks! In the draft, I had a section on things outside of your control, like work when someone calls a meeting that should’ve been an email and now you’ve wasted an hr and you could’ve been working. I took it out because it didn’t seem to fit too well, but work this popped up a LOT. It was more difficult to handle due to so much out of my control, but essentially, it robbed me of any free time/down time I would usually take when i got stuck on a difficult problem.
Thanks for the recommendation! Like Mrs. SSC said, “That was a good post and I’d say you’re way better than you used to be, but you’re still at apprentice level.” lol This stuff is hard even being mindful of it. I’ll check out the book and maybe it can help me get beyond apprentice level. 🙂
February 14, 2019We have a to do list for every day. When I found myself filling in the entry to write up my to do list, I nearly fell off the sofa…..LOL
It also takes time to get used to unstructured time as our work brains are simply not wired to do a quick rewiring. Just like my electrical DIY skills…..
I tell myself all the time that it takes time to readjust and slow down. That is OK and very normal.
February 18, 2019I busted out laughing when I read that about “write a to-do list” going on your current to-do list. 😀
I definitely, definitely agree that it takes time to get use to unstructured time. I should write a post on that. Hmmm…. Sounds like research… Maybe, I should write a post on it, lol.
It’ very normal to take time to readjust and slow down, and even accepting what the new “normal” is.
February 14, 2019Also a hackaday reader, or just a coincidence? 🙂
Nevertheless, i still like the concept of time debt, we usually manage our money well, but we’re a lot less strict with our time.
Especially us, FIRE aspirants, who even before FIRE have a TODO list long enough to keep us busy for the rest of our life 🙂
February 18, 2019Not a hackaday reader, but now I want to go search and see what the coincidence was. 🙂 I’d been thinking about this for a while, but as I started writing Wed morning, it wasn’t coming together like I wanted. When I had “time debt” pop on the page, I was like, “Ohhh…. that’s like cc debt!” 2 hrs later, I hit publish, lol.
Yeah, I’m way less strict with my time. Well, I used to be, now I’m more mindful of it, even though it may not be strict.
I also had a big to-do list prior to not working, and it just keeps getting stuff added to it. It feels like it’s 3 steps forward 4 steps back.
February 27, 2019https://hackaday.com/2019/02/06/make-the-time-to-fix-your-time-debt/
This is the article I was refering to.
I feel your pain with the todo list, my (not work related) todo list is ever growing. I feel like whenever i check off one thing from the list 3 new things pop into my mind, and on the list they go. 🙂
Michelle @ FrugalityandFreedom.com
February 15, 2019The struggle is real! Now that I am on a year-long mini-retirement in the USA, my ability to focus has waned significantly from when I was doing the 9-5. As there isn’t much external pressure to get things done, I find that I can easily put off my self-selected tasks for days – which doesn’t alleviate the mental burden, it just stretches it out into constant low-level anxiety. Delightful, huh? I am definitely one to reach for the smartphone (and Twitter!) when the going gets onerous, and all of a sudden I lose an hour. I’m getting better at creating motivation by generating streaks of small achievements that I’m reluctant to break, such as writing 300 words for my blog or commenting on 3 blogs daily (oh, hi!). A work in progress.
February 18, 2019Yes! That constant low level anxiety is what was getting to me. I’d have it hanging out in my mind like, “I should do this soon.” Then my brain is like, “Yes, but this other thing is more fun, we’ll get back to that other thing…” Then it hangs out just nagging me.
Yeah Twitter can be a big timesuck for me, almost like the podcast Timesuck, except then I’m doing something while I’m listening to it. 🙂
And the writing 300 words a day challenge. I’m a bit behind, but not too far. I find writing every day can be difficult because I haven’t scheduled time for that task. I think I’ll make writing/blogging/commenting my wake up time the first hr or so after the kids leave for school. Way more productive than phone games, news scrolling, or even Twitter (gasp!). Good luck!
February 16, 2019Great coffee comparison and a look into what early retirement can look like.
It sounds like you’ve figured out a healthy frame 😊
February 18, 2019Thanks! That coffee scenario was not hard to conjure up because that was literally most mornings in some variation, lol.
I’m not there yet, but I’m really close to honing on a nice schedule for me and the family. It’s way harder than I would’ve expected but so are most things worth doing in life. 🙂
February 16, 2019As I sit and read this, instead of going out to run errands and clean, I have to think, maybe I need to track my time and get more intentional with it.
I’m sure like most things, once you change your mindset on things, it becomes habit and that’s just the way you think, there’s no more effort to it. It’s that initial part that’s so damn tough.
Good stuff, interesting thoughts, and now something else for me to think about.
February 18, 2019Even if it’s not tracking your time, per se, if you just get more intentional with it and know that “if I don’t go do errands and clean now, then later when I want to go have a fun afternoon/evening with Mrs. WOW, I’m still going to have those errands to do and the house never cleans itself (what a pisser, right?!)…”
It seems like it’s ahrd but maybe just start with one thing like a lunch hour or even phone usage and be intentional with a chunk of free time you have and let it spread from there. Good luck!
Angela @ Tread Lightly Retire Early
February 16, 2019This reminds me, I had planned to spend a week tracking my time but haven’t done it yet. Hmm…
February 18, 2019Good luck! lol
Abigail @ipickuppennies
February 25, 2019I spend too much time on Twitter instead of reading PF blogs. I’m still interacting with the PF community, but I want to keep reading blogs. It’s just much more fun to narf around on Twitter and crack jokes than I take in dozens of 1,000+ word posts. Not that I don’t enjoy reading said posts. it’s just one’s far more daunting than the other.
So I try to just schedule time for myself to read blogs after I’ve caught up with work for the day but before I work out (which also has to be scheduled to make sure I don’t put it off until it’s too late in the day).
March 10, 2019Thanks for this, it’s helpful to know I’m not the only one having trouble. I’m a naturally organized person and generally just do stuff, but after I retired, I found myself spacing out and getting nothing done. It usually happened for several days in a row about every fourth week. Honestly, I don’t even know what I did. I called them “meltdown days.” It would often take a week to get everything back on track. The tools that helped me the most were: (1) Forgive myself and don’t stress about it (2) Listaway the phone app – I even use this to keep up with the shopping lists, (3) Atomic Habits by James Clear.
The idea of making my to do list into a series of routines through habit made all the difference. It’s less trouble than trying to write everything down and schedule it all. Like you, I also found that the day of the week schedule for certain chores works best for me.