Lifestyle Change Update
Then I did a podcast interview with Denis and Katie at Chain of Wealth. During that interview when I was talking about trimming our excess spending by looking at things as “a want or a need”, Katie mentioned that she liked to think about an item in terms of, “Do I want this badly enough to have to pack it and move it?” Mrs. SSC heard that and took it to heart because we’ll be moving in another month and we will be downsizing from our current house. Now that we potentially, have a new house, we know how much space we will have and what things can or can’t move with us.
Here are updates from the past few weeks on how our lives are going with the Lifestyle Change.
Moving Woes
Hearing Katie mention that she looks at things in terms of “will I want to have to pack this and move it?” was motivation to re-evaluate our remaining stuff using that mantra. We tweaked it a little and are now asking, “do I want to pay to move this?” In the past we have gotten our last 2 big moves paid for by megacorps. Yeah, thank-you megacorps! Not being the ones to pay for something meant that we didn’t worry about things to this level. There was no budget, there was no set spending amount, it was simply, Graebel shows up, they pack your stuff, you sign off on the number of boxes that they packed and Bada-bing, Bada-boom! You’re moved.

Now that we will be paying for movers, we are a bit more conscious of how much we actually want to move. We will get a stipend for moving that should cover most things, but we have been more picky with what we think is worth moving this time, especially in the realm of questionable items like TV’s. If a TV is $100 to crate and move, then we should move our TV’s ourselves because neither of them is worth $100. Our main TV is riding out its last days here before being tossed because it has developed some major wonky screen issues so it won’t be coming with us. I’ve already priced U-haul style moving trucks and we can get a 1 way rental for about $300, on sale. This would be a small truck for items that we may not want them to move like our stained glass, the tv’s, the telescope, a bunch of wood for me to use for woodworking, some woodworking equipment, food stuffs that they won’t move, guns, and other random things like that. I think this would pay out if we spent about $500 on it and save ourselves from paying for the “per box” charge of moving these things with a mover… I’m confident that we can find enough items to move ourselves to make it worth it. Regardless, things are getting even more pared down than they were.
New Home
Last weekend we agreed on a price for a house at our new location. It’s on 2 heavily treed acres within a small “neighborhood” and in a good school district. Of course, there is only one school district in the area, so that makes it easy being in “the good one”. It has the perfect layout for our bedrooms, guest room in case an in-law moves in with us down the road, an office space for Mrs. SSC or me to work from home, and a separate “man-cave” area that I’ll share with the kids. This will be for my desk, music instruments, video games, their toys and more. It’s pretty sweet and I’ll be up there this week for the home inspection so I can ask the inspector about anything he finds along the way and get info on things that won’t necessarily make the report.
We’re a little removed from “town” but that’s okay with us and Mrs. SSC still only has a 15 minute commute. One thing we found hilarious was that whether we were “in-town” or more rural, every commute we mapped was between 11 and 15 minutes. Score one for downsizing cities as well!

Plus, this house is only 7 minutes from the state park at the lake and there are many miles of mountain bike and hiking trails to take advantage of. Woohoo!! An even bigger bonus is that because most of our 2 acres is heavily treed, for now, I don’t need a $2k+ riding mower to manage the grass and yard. My walk behind push mower will be plenty.

Home For Sale
Our current house is now on the market, but we have yet to have a showing. Womp, womp… We’re not too worried as we’ve talked with other families that are also selling right now and they are experiencing the same thing. I think it’s a bit early for most families to want to deal with the hassle of prepping their home for sale, finding a new home, and finishing up the school year. I expect things will turn around in another week when school is wrapped up and the race is on to move school districts and get settled before the new school year starts. Ahhh, the intricacies of the suburban lifestyle, lol.

An Even Longer Commute?
Our plan is to be moved into our new home by the end of June. But wait, aren’t I still working through July, and isn’t Mrs. SSC working in July for a weekend class she will be teaching? Yes, yes we both are still planning to work until then. Our current plan is to keep enough stuff at our current place to live there and commute to our new place on the weekends. Yes, the long travel might get old, but there is a significant stock payout for me in July and Mrs. SSC will make about $10k for 8 days of work. We figure we will make it work, and it will payout even if we have to rent a place some of those weeks.

Personally, I would rather our current house sell in May or June and we then can be rid of it. Fingers crossed. If that happens, we’ll do what we always do and move to Plan B, C, D, or whicheve version we think best fits the current situation. Like my boss always tells me, “Semper Gumby” or “Always Flexible”.

That’s where we are with Life at the moment. What about you? Any exciting things going on in your neck of the woods? Let me know!
April 26, 2018Congrats on the new house! I hope the inspection goes well. The new property looks nice. The neighbors aren’t right on top of you.
I bet you guys will be happy not having to deal with that traffic much longer. I hate the houston traffic.
April 27, 2018Thanks, and we’re not expecting anything major based on the condition of the house, and since it’s about 15/16 yrs old it has a home warranty to cover the major items. I’ll know by Tuesday. 😁
It will be nice having some seclusion and privacy with the new place. Most of the main living areas don’t even have blinds because you just look out and see trees and woods. 🤘😁
I am SO looking forward to getting away from Houston traffic. Oh man, it will be nice.
Gwen @ Fiery Millennials
April 26, 2018Semper Gumby… I am dying!! Good luck with all the changes!
April 27, 2018Thanks and remember, always flexible! Lol
April 26, 2018LOL! Semper Gumby!
Mrs. Oldster and I are also in the midst of a move, just across town to more suitable digs. River view, trees, garden. We live on Main St. now (ah, small town life) and are looking forward to a change of scenery. It is a pain to move, especially at the Oldster age, but since its mostly local, we can take our time. We’ll just own two houses for a while.
Hope all goes well SSC. Good luck with the move and enjoy being rural.
April 27, 2018Your move sounds like a nice upgrade too! Yep, moving can be a pain, but it’s only temporary and there are worse things than having two houses for a bit.
Hope everything goes smooth with your move, as well. Fingers crossed for both of us!
April 26, 2018Are you moving within Texas or out of state?
April 27, 2018Out of state. No more TX for a while. Haven’t decided what to do with out Canyon Lake property yet, so it might come back into play later in, but who knows…
Mrs. Picky Pincher
April 26, 2018Aw man, sorry about the commute woes! Luckily it’s a temporary season of life, right? 🙂 Can’t wait to hear all about y’all’s life near the lake. 🙂
April 27, 2018I’d be more than fine dealing with the commute woes and finding a place to stay for a month or so if it means our house here sells quickly. 😄 especially, since it would only be temporary before a long slow down of not dealing with heavy traffic, and all the other fun stuff related to Houston. 👍
April 27, 2018Sounds like things are moving along nicely. We also need to start making moves to down size. We don’t plan on moving any time soon, but I like the idea of being able to up and leave at a moments notice. There shouldn’t be anything tying us down.
Do you want to schlep this crap to the next place is a litmus test we really need to start implementing. Now to find the free weekend to make it happen.
May 9, 2018Let me tell you, that is a great question to ask, because, well, at some point you’ll move and if you don’t want to move something, why did you buy it in the first place? 🙂
April 27, 2018I made a similar move 2 years ago and I don’t regret it for an instant.
You’re going to love it!
May 9, 2018I’m excited about it, that’s for sure! There will be plenty of posts regarding the transition as well, so stay tuned!
April 29, 2018Exciting news going on over there and it sounds like everything is going smoothly too. We’re up to some fun stuff here too, just can’t tell you on the blogosphere yet.
May 9, 2018Well, I’ll be waiting to hear your news, so hopefully it comes sooner than later. 🙂 Exciting stuff all around though!
April 30, 2018I like the comment in the first paragraph about when considering purchases: “would you want to move this?” It certainly adds another consideration on top of a 72-hour shopping waitlist. Wish I had thought of it while I was purchasing things over the past several years, instead of having a HUGE donation accumulation right before we moved.
A home with land is something we have been discussing for our future wish list. I feel there are pros and cons. Seclusion versus convenience… What were the factors that played into your families decision to go more rural?
May 9, 2018Having the HUGE donation pile is an interesting feeling when you look at it all and think, why did I think I needed to buy all of this stuff that I’m now giving away? Definitely some regrets with those purchases.
Our decision came from a couple of places. Mainly, we are ready to not have neighbors directly next to us. In our current place, even though its on a large’ish 10k sq ft lot, our master bathroom is only 10′ from our neighbors driveway, separated by 8′ of grass and a fenceline. So I can be brushing my teeth and hear their car radio, loud conversations on their phone and more because it’s mostly a large pane of glass to keep the noise out. Similar with our last house having the M BR next to the neighbors garage where their kid had a drum set that he’d practice late into the night with… Ugh, and then nosy neighbors and annoying neighbors just made us think, you know, let’s try more seclusion and less close by nighbors. Also, based on basketball goals and the like, we think the neighborhood will still have enough kids around that the kids won’t be too isolated.
Another plus is being able to keep blinds open so actual sunlight comes into the house. When we look out the windows, all we see are trees, not fences or houses. That’s awesome, and I can’t wait to enjoy the front or back porch with a nice mug of coffee and listen to the wind in the trees.
We realize the cons are that we will be car based for anything – school, grocery, dr, socializing, restaurant, etc… so that was factored into it. Since I’ll be doing all of the shuttling of kids, grocery shopping, vet appt’s, dr, dentist appts, and all of that, I decided I’m fine with it. Maybe I’ll regret it a year or so in, but who knows. Also, most/all play dates and activities with the kids will be car involved. Since we’re still within a 15 minute drive for Mrs. SSC, we figure it’s a great time to figure out if we really want the rural type of life or not. Also, I grew up in that style of life and while it has been nice having a grocery store 5 minutes away and a Home Depot and restaurants and dentist and haircuts 5 minutes away, literally, that also comes with more traffic, more congestion and I’m ready to get away from that Lifestyle for a bit. I’m not too worried about the driving, but it will change my mindset on going to the grocery, HD, etc… if I know it will mean 30 minutes in the car for 1 trip. We’ll see how it pans out. Hopefully that answered your question, but maybe it just made it even more unclear as to why we’re doing it, lol.