It’s Official, I’m Unemployed!

My biggest success since we last left was getting my mental health squared away better than it has been in decades. Literally, decades. Here’s a very brief back story. When I was in 6th grade one of my good friends was tragically killed when he hit a powerline while climbing a tree. I felt responsible and went into a fairly heavy depression. It lasted the better part of a year before my parents sought help. The child psychologist recommended me to in-patient treatment if I “didn’t snap out of it soon”. After overhearing that, I started putting on the happy face and pretending everything was fine. I’ve been doing that ever since and have just been going around being whomever I’m supposed to be that day. While I’ve gotten really good at it, I’ve never gotten rid of that inner voice of shame, guilt, negativity, depression, etc… It’s just followed me around like a little devil on my shoulder trying to convince me of all sorts of bananas shit and not let me enjoy my successes. Hell, it hasn’t let me “just be” in over 29 years.
Until these past few months that is. I got proactive and started going to a depression group here in OK, pretty much since we’ve been here. I also went to see a psychiatrist to figure out what’s wrong, because clearly, I’m not fixing it on my own. With the help of my shrink and my group, I’ve had no negative self talk, depressive voice, or any of that the last few months. It’s been freaking amazing!! Why the hell I waited so long to do this, I have no idea. If any of you are struggling with depression or any mental health issue and feel like you’re stuck and can’t figure it out on your own, take that next step. I’d done therapy (talking) for 4 years in LA and it helped with a lot, but not that. If you’re struggling, try kicking it up a notch and seek different help, or any help. It has made a HUGE difference in my life. HUGE.
So Much Free Time?
My remote contract ended on the 2nd, and I was officially “free” from work. To be fair, I hadn’t done any “work” in the last month and a half. I’d made 2 trips to Houston which were all but worthless from a business standpoint. I literally flew to town to sit in a conference room and watch my team present for 30 min and I didn’t say anything, offer anything, nothing.

Then 3 weeks later, I flew back for an all day meeting to watch my team present 1 geology slide in a 9 slide, 10 minute long presentation. Yep. Living the dream, baby!
With all that free time, what have I been doing? Well, trying to get a volunteer gig for most of it. The Watch DOGS (Dads of Great Students) group at my kids school took applications on family night, the day before school started. Then wouldn’t submit those applications until after their WatchDOGS BBQ late September, and I still haven’t heard anything other than – here’s a link to where you can buy shirts when you’re approved. Maybe it’ll happen before Christmas, who knows… I also submitted an application at CASA and they are meeting with me Nov 16, so we’ll see how that goes.
Amazingly, even with no actual commitments, it’s super easy to see my free time frittered away every day and think, “Holy crap?! It’s 3:20 pm already?!” I’ve done very little music practicing, even less exercise, and not much outdoor anything to be honest. I’ve just been enjoying the fall and getting to wear long sleeve t-shirts and jeans again. Woohoo!! Fall!!!
Set a Schedule?
Beyond that, I’ve been trying to get on a more productive schedule. Mrs. SSC came up with a nice schedule for weekly and monthly cleaning, and I need to get on to better meal planning and having dinner ready at nights. I haven’t adapted to that part of the SAHD lifestyle yet. I’m getting there, but it’s a lot. I did go into gmail and set up some blocked-out times mostly for exercise, playing music, and cleaning. I need to add in writing as I feel like there is loads of blog fodder around me most days/weeks and I just haven’t given a f$*& lately, to be honest. Hell, I didn’t even get out a “Here’s how Fincon 18 Went Down!!” post.
That’s okay, because I’m not being critical of what I didn’t do, I’m just being happy that I’m here now, writing. Yeah, writing! And exercising, and getting into doing what I need to do, not what I should have been doing. You can’t change that anyway, so why beat yourself up over it?
Finally, I spent some of that time revamping the blog! Yeah, a new layout, fresh new look, and hopefully cleaner interface for all of you that are gracious enough to stop by and peruse the blog posts. Thanks for your support and reading. I’m working on being more consistent with writing once again and like I said, there is loads of blog fodder around here.
Fincon 18 Quick-Take
Fincon 18 was pretty awesome! Good setting, if you knew how to play Frogger, great weather for running (if you were used to the Gulf Coast weather), and a great group of attendees this year. I loved getting the soul recharge of seeing old friends that you only run into online. Just as awesome is the new friends you get to make and get to know. There were so many of those it was almost like this was my first Fincon all over again. I was deep in depression that whole week, and it took a lot to get out of my room, but once I did, man, it was an amazing 12 hrs+ of talking each day. The parties were good, but the people are what made it epic. Thanks to everyone that made it a great Fincon for me and I hoped I added as much to your experience as all of you did to mine.

Look for more posts soon on finding my ikigai, adapting to our new budget, still cleaning up the yard (now that it’s cooler, that’s started up again), DIY vs contractors, me finding paid work (whaaaa??!!!) and more. Just kidding, I’m not looking for paid work, just seeing if you’re paying attention.
Anything big going on in your life lately? New changes ahead or just happened? Let me know!
November 12, 2018Congrats and happy to see you’re using your time to take care of yourself. Looking forward to talking soon.
January 29, 2019Thanks man!
Live Your Wage
November 12, 2018Congratulations! I know you’ve been waiting a long time for this. And good on you for volunteering at your kids school (eventually…when they’re ready for you) and being a CASA worker is so critical! Having been through the fostering process, and knowing a really great CASA worker, that’s one area where you can change lives daily!
Best of luck in your transition to SAHD!
January 29, 2019Thanks! The school volunteering has been fun and going well. CASA training starts this Thursday, and overall the transition has smoothed itself out quite a bit from this post. Thank goodness! 🙂
Fervent Finance
November 12, 2018Congrats on making those tough parts of life a priority – I’m sure it wasn’t easy. Enjoy your increased free time – I’m sure the family has ideas for it already 🙂
January 29, 2019Thanks! Yes, I have a solid list of home improvement and life improvement “tasks” that never gets shorter. The free time is great now that I’ve realized it’s mostly mine to do whatever with. 🙂
November 12, 2018Since you wrote your last post, I sold my house in Toronto and moved to Spain. Have been dealing with serious culture shock ever since. Moves like this are always a gamble for me because I too have struggled with depression. I don’t think you ever really ‘cure’ depression, instead I think it goes into remission. So I worry that the strain/stress of such a big change could trigger it again. But so far, so good. 🙂
Happy to hear that you are finding your way to a happier life.
January 29, 2019Congrats on your big moves! That sounds great! If only there were a cure for depression, that would be amazing! Until then, we’ll have to keep our eye out for triggers and take appropriate steps when it comes out of remission. Im glad I’ve gotten to where I am with my mental health and while it’s not perfect, it beats the shit out of where it was 1, 2, or even 10 years ago. I’m just glad I didn’t wait another year or ten to make it a priority.
Good luck with your new situation and managing it well.
November 12, 2018Congratulations. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate at the moment. After the holidays and you get into the rhythm of life you will probably have even more “free” time. Way to go Jay. Hope your wife is enjoying the tenure-track gig.
January 29, 2019Thanks! So far she is enjoying it and freaking out about funding. As it goes with funding some “sure” things fell through and other opportunities arose. More juggling, grant writing, and applying for different sources of cash, but otherwise, she’s loving it. She’s finally started working with students and that’s what really drives her enjoyment, so that’s been a welcome relief to both of us, lol. As for me, now that it’s post holidays, I have gotten into a better rhythm and am getting settled into a “routine”. A vey fluid nebulous routine, but a routine that’s working well for me anyway.
Team CF
November 13, 2018Welcome to the club!
January 29, 2019Thanks!
Dave @ Accidental FIRE
November 13, 2018CONGRATS on unemployment! Ha, only in our community is that a good thing 🙂
Good luck getting on a routine, and get that banjo out!
January 29, 2019Thanks man! Yep, it is funny that there’s a community that celebrates unemployment. 🙂 The routine is getting more established now and that’s been helpful. The music plaing is slow, but other activities are filling that space, so I’m not complaining. Just taking things where the heart wants them and not forcing something because I feel like “I should be doing that”.
November 13, 2018Officially retired!!! I love your “Out of Office” message :o). Glad you are seeking help for your depression, you know you have 2 waffles over here that are always here if you need anything.
January 29, 2019Thanks! And thanks for the support. 🙂 Better late than enver with a comment reply, right? lol
Mrs. COD
November 13, 2018Love it! Congrats on your new life! The out-of-office reply is awesome. I’m sure you’ll find your groove. Thanks for your transparency regarding the depression and therapy, too. So glad you’re living better now!
So much transition around here, too. New jobs, which–surprise, surprise–come with a ton of lame-o meetings and “professional development” crap. But we are figuring it all out, I guess. Maybe we’ll return to our RV plan instead, ha!
January 29, 2019Thanks! You guys have plenty of transition too, whoa! I get a lot of updatres from Mrs. SSC that sound like, “Ugh, today I’m in meetings from 10-4… I don’t even get a break from lunch due to an 11-1 meeting.” Me: “Who scheduled that meeting?! Sheesh!” Mrs. SSC: “Ummmm.. Well, I scheduled that one, so, um…” Bwahahahaha
Good luck with your new lifestyle too! It sounds exciting and fairly similar to ours. Except for having an RV plan. I don’t think I could convince Mrs. SSC on that one, but you never know.
Mr. CC
November 13, 2018This is great. I meant to respond to your last post so I’m glad you reminded me with this one. I appreciate your candid discussion of depression. I really do. I think a lot of folks looking from the outside in on the world of financial independence see nothing but do-gooders who have done everything right and have no internal struggles. No matter the purpose of this site, showing that you’re human and opening up about these real internal issues makes you all the more relatable. Thanks.
January 29, 2019Glad it helps somewhat. There’s no point in hiding what’s going on behind the scenes, and for me, mental health issues got pushed to the forefront. I just didn’t prioritize it as much as I should have the last decade. Whoops. No point in regretting past mistakes, so best to address it, hopefully help someone else and move on.
November 14, 2018Love the email “out of office”
I have to remember to do that
Snarking to Freedom
January 8, 2019Woohoo! Congrats, it is exciting to see your FFLC starting🤗