The Freedom to Make Fully Funded Lifestyle “Choices”
What we realized is that we won’t be leaving the workforce totally, we’re just transitioning into something else. Mrs. SSC has been more hesitant about this transition than I am which is what ultimately led to our Canyon Lake plan. She had the “misfortune” of getting her dream job a couple of years before we were planning to hit FIRE and enact our FFLC plan. Now that she’s been in that job a few years and away from megacorp, she isn’t scouring the PF blogosphere looking for “ways to early retire” from a job and lifestyle that she hates. We’ve been able to transition into a good comfortable lifestyle with both of us working jobs we love. Most bloggers, us included, talk about “retire to” something, or “find your ikigai” so you have purpose post career. What if your career is fun and you don’t necessarily want to retire from it?
But I Love My Job…
This is what Mrs. SSC is always telling me when talking about teaching. She wanted to go into teaching when she first got out of school and she even turned down a tenure track position at Cal Poly with the thought to return to teaching after some time in industry. Since that was her dream to begin with, when the Great Layoffs of 2014 – 2016 swept through our industry, we both started looking at alternative career options. For her, it was pretty simple, “I’ll look for a teaching job!” You know what is as rare as hen’s teeth? A geophysics teaching position… Since she started looking in 2015 there have been 7 positions that have become available, nationwide. Of those 7 positions, she applied to 3 of them. The first she got turned down and didn’t make the short list, then she got an offer with the next one, and currently she is interviewing for a finalist position with the third one.

This potential position could be an even better setup for her than her current job. She is excited about the opportunities that she would have at the new position and the types of research that she could get into, even if this means we would have to abandon the Canyon Lake plan.
I’m Heading to Management!
I just found out that I’m being developed for a leadership position at my company. Have I mentioned how much I love working at my company? It’s been one of the best jobs I’ve ever had. I don’t know if it would continue that same way if I was in a leadership position, I just don’t know. Maybe it wouldn’t be nice, and I’d feel like my soul was slowly getting sucked from me and I’d turn bitter and resentful. If so, that’s great because we’ve positioned ourselves to put me in a position that I can walk away at almost any point forward from now and we will be fine financially. I’m excited to see how this position plays out for better or worse. Regardless, when I do move out to Canyon Lake I still won’t be retiring totally from my industry. Sure I won’t work 40 hrs a week anymore, and I won’t have ridiculous bonuses or other perks, but I have some irons in the fire for consulting in this industry. I think one or more options could work out, so like others, when I leave my company I would be free to work the schedule, and type of work of my choosing.

That’s the Freedom of Lifestyle Choices
The whole point for us, isn’t necessarily to achieve FIRE and then quit working, able to just slowly sip coffee in the mornings, make waffles on Wednesdays, take the boat out onto the lake, and be back in time to pick the kids up from school each day. That sounds all well and good and I’m sure there will be some of that, but we both have been trying to figure out what’s next. What would we do? Start a blog about things to do around Canyon Lake (that’s a huge vacuum waiting to be filled), or find some other thing we’re passionate about and do that, regardless of whether it makes money or not? Maybe even find another job in another industry. Gasp!

The beauty is that all of these things are possible because we’ve set ourselves up financially to not have to depend on income from those side projects. If Mrs. SSC lands her dream job 1-2 years before she could’ve quit working forever, what does it matter if she doesn’t retire then? If she is happy working in whatever job it is and it affords the lifestyle that we want, isn’t that a win for everyone? We think so.
Is there something you’d rather be doing than what you’re currently doing? If so, what steps have you taken to get there? If you did hit FI and could walk away from your current job, would you seek something else out or would you just enjoy being able to do nothing?
Mrs. Adventure Rich
March 1, 2018Honestly, reading about your plans for a FFLC has been way more motivating for my husband and I than FIRE. FIRE seems so far off and is often predicated on hating our current job/lifestyle. But the FFLC is about finding your passion and having the means to pursue that, semi-regardless of pay because you have enough to take the less than 40+ hr/week job or the big salary 🙂 Thank you for the continued inspiration and good luck with your next steps!
March 5, 2018Thanks! It’s nice knowing I’m not just yammering into a void and noone is getting anything from it. 🙂
We feel the lifestyle change is more doable and relatable to most folks rather than “race to FI” sort of mentality. Also, why not make the life you want now rather than waiting to achieve some kind of dream life? Good luck to you guys too. Exciting stuff going on in your neck of the woods as well. 🙂
Wealthy Doc
March 1, 2018I reached FI and am working part-time. I love it so far!
March 5, 2018Nice! I bet choosing to work is way better than feeling forced to work.
March 1, 2018We’ve been “FI” for awhile, but continue to work because we enjoy it. I will say that working when you don’t have to, but because you want to, is a much, much less stressful situation.
March 5, 2018I can only imagine. Maybe I’ll get to find out how that feels sooner than later. 🙂
Mrs. Picky Pincher
March 1, 2018I love it! Can’t wait to see how your FFLC folds out. 🙂
Oh man, we’re still plugging away at our debt, so it’ll be a while before FIRE is on the horizon for us. If I could quit my job now, I would. I’d much rather do freelance writing on an as-needed basis for cash; I enjoy it and it helps that it’s pretty profitable.
March 5, 2018Thanks, I’m excited to see how it turns out too!
That’s why we like the FFLC, regardless of if we’re at FI or not, we were looking at changing jobs, locales,what not to get a better lifestyle that fit our family. The closer we got to it being Fully Funded and not Mostly Funded is just icing on the cake.
March 1, 2018I am currently acting out my plan and already get to do some of what I hope to do once we are fully FI, but I hope to be able to do more of it. I am also exploring some other opportunities to expand my business and allow for the potential of a more nomadic lifestyle (if we so choose). But I am also fully expecting some pivots or changes to the path too so I guess we will just have to see what happens. Everything over in the SSC household sounds exciting! Oh and thanks for the shout out!
March 5, 2018Haha, I wondered if you’d catch that. 🙂 That’s awesome that you’re working on getting your plan more fitting to the lifestyle that you guys want. It’s nice being able to work towards something like that and see results knowing that.
Mr. Groovy
March 1, 2018FI is all about options. I never had a dream job, although I did enjoy my last employment gig. And Mrs. G despised her last job. So when we reached FI, there was no question about us retiring. But you and Mrs. SSC are on the cusp of jobs you really want. Retiring now, even though you can, would be foolish. Can’t wait to see what pans out for you guys. It so exciting.
P.S. What the hell are you doing? Rally your tribe. I mean, c’mon. I got to lose eventually, and it would be an honor to lose to you. Good luck, my friend.
March 5, 2018I at least really like working at my current job, and man, the financial incentive that comes along with it just makes it even better. Especially if she got this job, it’s sounding like it would be less teaching focus and more student and research focus which could be exciting for her.
I could quit my current position and we’d be fine monetarily, but I agree that if we both quit just because we could, we’d end up doing ourselves and the kids a disservice. I know we’d get bored fairly quickly, even if we were trying to keep ourselves busy with odd jobs, volunteering, and more. It will be interesting to see how it all pllays out though, that’s for sure.
On a side note, I rallied as best as I could, but my tribe is much smaller than yours. 🙂 I am grateful they showed up enough to make it a good competition and you can bet I’ll be rallying them when you guys are up in round 4. 🙂 Congrats!
Accidental FIRE
March 2, 2018Having achieved FI, I can indeed confirm it’s awesome and the ability to choose is sublime. I’m only working a little to keep health insurance, and the rest – like today where I have ZERO plans – is awesome. Might go fishing after seeing that bass you’ve got there. Nice catch!
March 5, 2018I bet the ability to choose about working or not is pretty awesome. And getting to choose whether to go fishing or not, even better!
March 2, 2018That is the great part of FI and your FFLC to make these changes. Tell Mrs. SSC good luck. I am sure she will do great…too bad we don’t have a geophysics position I would give her a heads up.
March 5, 2018Those geophysics spots are surprisingly rare out there, I think due to most of the professors being 70 and still hanging on to a position for who knows what reasons. Like in the oil industry, every really old geo that isn’t retiring is pushing out room for 2-3 younger ones to come in and start contributing to the industry.
Fingers crossed things go well for her, and we’ll let you know when we hear something. That you can count on.
March 2, 2018My boss said in our 1:1 today “We are overachievers.” To be honest the excess chatter in the office drives me crazy. I’d love to leverage FI to craft a work schedule I want. Some work from home (not needing to commute 5 days a week would be stellar). I really can get more done in 4 hours than others do in 8 sometimes, except for the interruptions & meetings. If I could have set days to be in the office for face to face stuff and just crush the other things uninterrupted at home, that would we sweet. Remote work would let me visit friends & family without rushing to be back at the office Monday morning. But I still have a ways to go until FI. I am working on building my skills that would back up being able to maybe consult to set my own hours.
Good luck with all your possibilities!
March 5, 2018Yeah office chatter, gossip, politics and all of that stuff can get old. I do a good job of tuning it out, but my office neighbor is a huge gossip, so I still hear a lot of it. I too would like to create a similar work schedule to yours, that sounds pretty sweet. If my computer connections were faster, I could actually remote in and do my work from home, but currently, the lag is SO great, that it’s not even a possibility if I have to run Petrel. Oh well…
March 21, 2018Here’s to hoping with everything else in your future there’s a speedy connection to allow for some work from home.
As someone noted above, I put things into the universe and they seem to happen. (Sure there is hard work and ground work behind a lot of it.) But I’m careful what I ‘wish’ for because some come true. That’s why I’m happy to say I don’t know entirely what my FI looks like, but the Why of my FI is spending time with friends and family.
I’m really hoping you & Mrs. SSC can both get your dream jobs, somehow.
March 22, 2018Remote work could be a great option, but we will see what happens. Mrs. SSC got her dream job and got an offer from the other university, so now the leadership role decision is made for me. 🙂 I’ll transition to stay at home dad and work in that role. It will be pretty exciting and I’ms toked for the change, but like you said, be careful what you wish for, because you never know what’s going to happen. Fortunately over the 3 day interview process, Mrs. SSC really got a great vibe from the faculty, university, and area, so we’re excited to move forward to that phase of our life.
With our “why” being more family centric lifestyle, this new position will accelerate us into that lifestyle we’ve been writing about wanting for almost 3 years now, lol. It’s funny when money isn’t a factor in a decision how easy it becomes to make it. 🙂
March 3, 2018I’m about to “retire” at 43 from the MegaCorp I’ve worked at for 20 years. Two years ago I toured a local farm-based Montessori school, shivered and announced to the universe that I wanted to work there. I start my new job this month! We’ve worked hard to get ourselves financially in a position where I’m able to give up 2/3 of my income in order to take the dream job. Bonus: school breaks line up with my child’s schedule, and I get to work in an incredibly idyllic setting, rather than in beige cube-land. If does feel uncomfortable to give up the stability and security, but a health crisis motivated me to really examine my priorities, and 20 years is long enough to work somewhere I don’t love.
March 22, 2018Congrats, that’s awesome! Way to go positioning yourself to be able to take the job there. We were similar in Mrs. SSC giving up 2/3 of her income to take her teaching position. Yes, the school schedule lining up with the kids is a double bonus.
I had a conversation with a co-worker last week when he told me and my current boss, “You know, I just need about $50k per yr and I’m fine. I just want to go teach science to middle school kids and live somewhere prettier than here.”
Sorry to hear about the health crisis but glad it gave you the boost to start on your next life that’s better suited for you and your family. It sounds really cool.
March 8, 2018Loved your idea of “Fully funded lifestyle choices”! That’s exactly what my husband and I are working for. We used to want early retirement, but we came to realize that we would never stop working completely because we would become bored to death.
March 22, 2018Thanks, we found the same thing in that we didn’t want to “not work” we just want a different lifestyle, and if we can fully fund it, then it’s even better!
Good luck pursuing your own fully funded lifestyle change!
Mrs. Groovy
March 10, 2018You guys are in such a sweet spot to choose your next move! If you relocate, I don’t suppose it would be feasible to build your house elsewhere?
Thanks for all your support in the Rumble!
March 22, 2018When we relocate – yep… it’s happening – we have thought about building it out there. There are some similar plots, same size, same price, near a lake (not as close) but for now we’re just going to finish the design and cash out with our builder. We’ll have a full set of plans to take with us that could be built anywhere, but for now, we’re going to hold off on pursuing building.
Mr Shirts
March 10, 2018Hit me up if you ever want to ask more about the pros/cons about that leadership position, I did that four years ago and it’s had its perks/connections, but I ask myself weekly if I made the right choice or not. I just had to go through breaking the news that I don’t want the next position up too…
That bass on a kayak looks more attractive than leadership…
Still love the FFLC instead of FIRE
March 22, 2018Thanks for the offer. As I noted in our most recent post put out today, that decision made itself so – no leadership position for me. I’m fine with that, as my new role of stay at home dad seems like a different kind of leadership role which will probably be a lot more challenging than if I got one here at work. 🙂
I agree, that bass looks way better than this job, and hopefully I’ll have more time to do that in the nearer future.
Mr. PoF
August 21, 2018Thank you for this post! I recently found your blog and enjoy reading it! I agree that FFLC is a more accurate description of what many FIRE bloggers are looking for.
A question: is the Canyon Lake vacuum that there is no blog of things to do or nothing to do? 😉