FFLC Transition and Moving Update
Home Selling
Our current house has been on the market for just over 2 months, and it is going slow… Like, zero showings, and only 2 people attending an open house kind of slow. Yipe! The pictures, are good, and the pricing is good, but homes in our neighborhood in our price range and size have just been slow to move due to competition with the 5 new subdivisions being built north of us. We’re priced competitively at the lower end of the comps, so dropping the price won’t help much if there aren’t buyers for it.
To get the house and yard ready for showing, we added some sod to the backyard, which was ~$300, maids which have been coming every 2-3 weeks ($150/visit), new kitchen mats, and entry/welcome mats (~$60 but at least we get to take those with us), and other miscellaneous things that haven’t even been tracked well. Oops… On the plus side, we’ve made well over $500 getting rid of different items around the house as we decluttered, downsized, and minimalized our possessions, so I guess it’s not all bad.
Home Buying
We just closed on our new house this past Monday! Woohoo!! That went smoothly and due to the mortgage restrictions using just Mrs. SSC’s new salary, we ended up putting about 2/3 down on the new house. We were tempted to buy it outright, but ultimately went with a small loan. We’ll most likely pay it off or come close to it once our current house sells. If it sells… Much like our current house, this house is older and except for the roof and furnace, most appliances are 8-16 years old based on the manufacture dates from the serial numbers. As a bonus, the seller left their refrigerator, woohoo!! While it is older, it still works and we won’t have to bring ours now if we want to leave it with the house.
Then there is the yard. Not a yard as much as an overgrown forest that hasn’t been tended to in about 4-5 years. It is pretty overgrown with underbrush and saplings and I know what my first month or so of work will be when we get there. I’m currently researching brush cutters, which are basically souped up weed eaters with a metal blade on them. Oh yeah!!

Fortunately, even though it’s 2 wooded acres, that’s about all I need for new equipment. I already have a chainsaw, and there isn’t enough grass to warrant anything larger than my walk behind mower, so hooray money saved there too!
With a new house comes a new fence, as in there is not an existing fence and we need one for the dogs and children. We got that sorted and marked out with our fence guy on Monday and willb e fencing in ~80’ straight back from the house, ~80’ across the back of the house and then ~100’ back down to enclose the whole back and W side of the house. Plus, we got him lined up to come through and clear the underbrush, small saplings and existing tree branches up to 6’ high. When we get there, we will have a nice’ish place for the kids and dogs to go explore. That all comes with a cost though, which is ~$7500 for the fence and clearing work. Money well spent in my opinion, because I still have over 1.5 acres to clear on my own…
When it gets done, prepare to see some kickass “after” pictures! I can’t wait because it is going to be badd ass once I get it trimmed up a little and get it walkable. There won’t be any grass back there, but some nice glens for a fire-pit, swings, and more.
That brings us to the moving and relocation logistics. I had 4 different companies come out and give us an in home estimate for moving. All the quotes except for Allied came in at “not to exceed $12600” with actual cost being around $11,500. However, the price could go higher, or lower depending on actual weight and boxes packed. The Allied quote came in at a flat rate of $10,900 regardless of whether they under or over estimated the weight and packing materials needed. When I asked about the big price discrepancy from the other companies, the estimator said, “Well, you guys have way less stuff than most homes of your size. You won’t need that many boxes.” So hooray for getting rid of so much and paring so much stuff down.
Clearly we chose them, but then the fun part began. They weren’t an approved vendor for the University Mrs. SSC is relocating to and since we get $10k covered for moving, we wanted them approved to make it easier for direct billing. After a week or so of emails back and forth, we found out we had to use a different “approved” Allied vendor. I contacted them, and got a quote that was almost $1k higher than the previous company’s quote. At this point, we decided we should just pay out of pocket and submit the invoice for reimbursement and use the cheaper company. Our reasoning is that it would be less stress, we know what we will pay in the end, and hooray for being mostly FI and able to have that as a choice.
Moving Cost Reductions
When I brought this up with the new Allied vendor, naturally, they freaked about losing the contract. I called them and spent an hour discussing how we could lower their cost and had her run variations using our previous companies estimates. For the most part, they came in less than the flat rate quote, or at least within a couple hundred dollars of it. After running different variations of those estimates, I decided we could do some of the packing and moving ourselves.
The biggest cost savings is moving our 2 tv’s ourselves. They would be over $500 to get crated and uncrated at the new house and that is for a 10 and 11 yr old tv. Not worth it in my opinion, so we will move them ourselves. We’ll also move our weights, stained glass and other fragile items, mainly things that would cost extra to get moved or add significantly to the weight of the truck. Packing “dumb/non-breakable” items like our wardrobes, books and similar also shaved about $500 off of the estimate. That seems like a good investment for $50 of boxes and an hr or less of time. Plus, if we can get it below $10k, we won’t pay anything out of pocket as the University will cover it. That is an added incentive for sure.
That is what has been going on with us the last few months. We’re in the thick of it now with only 4 weeks until our move date. I have 19 more actual work days before I leave August 2, yes I’m using a lot of vacation between now and then. Mrs. SSC starts teaching her summer course this weekend and it doesn’t wrap up until the 18 when we immediately head to the new locale. Until then, we need our house to sell and have some patience while we wait until the move date.
What’s been going on in your world? Hopefully it isn’t as stressful as our current state. Let us know, we’d love to hear about it!
June 20, 2018so…. How far are you moving again?
14 months ago, we relocated around 100 miles for roughly $4000 through Mayflower.
Then, after renting for a year, we purchased a new place and moved across town for roughly $2500 with Mayflower. We essentially had everything boxed, and like you, I moved the TV’s in my truck on a blanket.
July 11, 2018We’re moving around 500’ish miles. Not too far, but far enough. The biggest cost is the weight estimate. We’re getting estimates around 18k lbs for our belongings. 4 br, 3.5 bath at almost 4k sq ft is a big house. Lke our lowest estimator said, “well, you guys have surprisingly little stuff for a house this big…” We actually park both cars in the garage still.
Even at everything being boxed all quotes came in close to $9k, so it must be due to the weight and mileage involved with the shipping.
Mrs. Picky Pincher
June 20, 2018Ahhh, bravo for getting the movers. It would have been SUCH a pain as a DIY job. It’s been nuts around here, although not as nuts as your lives right now! Hubs and I have been working 10 – 12 hour days and it seems like there’s ZERO time to do anything. Ugh. I’m thrilled because this weekend is the first weekend in two months that we aren’t hosting company or traveling. Which means we get to enjoy ourselves!! 🙂
July 11, 2018Hope you got to enjoy yourselves with your downtime. We have been in the same, go, go, go mode for the last few months and I’m looking forward to getting therre and getting settled. Finally have some slower times creep in, like aorund mid-August things should get back to normal, sorta… lol
June 20, 2018Man… sounds like a good time… blah!!!
July 11, 2018Exactly… Blah!!
Ms. Fiology
June 20, 2018Phew, there is a lot on your plate! Nice on putting 2/3 down on the new house. The new yard has some serious potential.
July 11, 2018I agree! Once I get the yard tamed, it is going to be badass! Still private, but usable, non-feral woods are going to be amazing to enjoy. 🙂
Mrs. COD
June 21, 2018Very similar goings-on around here! Trying to sell our house, lining up moving stuff, finding an apartment, Mr. COD finishing teaching summer courses, finding childcare for the 3yo…whew! We’ve also been throwing out stuff and are having ReStore pick up a bunch of items as we don’t feel like moving older furniture and won’t have much space for a year or so while we look for a house.
Your new yard reminds me of ours in KY last year! We have a ton of trees and Mr COD spent lots of time last summer hacking through the unruly brush and branches. It looks so much better now, but somehow he got poison ivy twice. So watch out!
Can’t wait to hear more as you get settled!
Mrs. COD
June 21, 2018Oh yeah, and lucky us–the 5yo broke our TV a month ago, so there’s one less breakable thing for us to move! Oh joy…
July 11, 2018Yeah, the yard will need some taming, but once it gets tame, I can’t wait to post pictures. Yeah, our main tv was getting bright spots, so it’s staying here, and we moved the larger older tv up there already, and just have the small tv left to move up.
Also, prepping the washer with the lockdown bolts saved us almost $200, and the same with our fridge. Since we’re not moving it (not my choice) we don’t have to prep it for moving either. Just the small fridge in the garage, but that just consists of unplugging it and letting it defrost.
It all goes down next week, so I’m getting pretty excited now!
June 22, 2018Moving is such a pain! Don’t get me wrong its exciting, but the actual moving part just sucks. I feel your pain. Not only is decluttering a great way to get rid of unnecessary stuff, but it is imperative when moving so you are not paying to move stuff that you no longer need. It is a great time to be ruthless and make tough decisions.
July 11, 2018OMG, yeah it sucks. Not so much the moving, just the packing and unpacking aspect of it. Oh wait, that’s “moving”… Bwahahaha… It all starts Monday, and delivery is next Thursday, so it will be real any time now. 🙂
I’ve been really cutthroat and hardcore this move with items not needed and things that got sold, donated and trashed. It has been nice. Amazingly, having so much stuff already packed and “put away” for staging and showings for over 2 months now makes me realize how little of this stuff I actually need… Making me rethink some already packed boxes of stuff, hahahaha…. Christ…
June 22, 2018Wow, I had no idea moving was so expensive! We’ve always moved our own stuff with the help of friends due to the fact that we could only afford to pay in time rather than money and we were always moving in town. Thank goodness you all already started getting rid of things you no longer need. Considering the “average” family probably isn’t doing that, can you imagine how high of a moving bill a typical family could easily rack up? Makes me wonder about other moving optimization strategies.
July 11, 2018yeah it can be really expensive getting someone else to do it. Moving in town, i alwasy did the same as you, just recruit friends with beer, pizza, and reciprocity when they needed to move. 🙂
If we hadn’t trimmed down our belongings I’d guess it would easily be closer to $15k when it is said and done. Now we think it will be just under $10k. Time will tell, we’ll know next week. 🙂
June 22, 2018Good luck on the move and selling the house. I hope it all goes smoothly.
July 11, 2018Thanks! So far so good, except for selling. Nothing in our price range and area has moved in the alst 2.5 months. Only 1 showing in 3 months… What a pisser. Oh well, that’s life. It can’t all go smoothly. 🙂
Mr. Groovy
June 24, 2018Man, I got heart palpitations reading this post. Selling, buying, and moving is just plain hard. And no one can know exactly how hard it is until one actually does it. Meh. Our move was dirt cheap because we sold 90% of our furniture before the move and rented a box truck ourselves to move what was left. We moved on 5/10 and we’re still frazzled. Hang in there, my friend. And congratulations on the closing. One out of the three monsters has been slayed. Yippee!
July 11, 2018That kind of move sounds way easier to handle. We’re getting packed, and delivered next week, so the end is near on that front. Then just massive unpacking and getting settled.
On the home selling front, we have had exactly 1 showing in 3 months… Nothing in our price range and area is moving. $60k above us, lot of movement, $60k below us, is also moving like hotcakes. So… until someone comes along looking for what we have, we wait… We’ll reshoot the photos once the house is empty, and see what happens.
June 26, 2018Hiring movers sound like a good idea, especially when you have young ones to take care of. Hopefully there will be more interests for the house in the near future. Is the housing market that slow in Houston?
July 11, 2018Hiring movers is key for efficiency, not so great for the pocket book, but with a reloation covered up to $10k, we’re trying our best to keep it under that, so we jsut payt axes on the invoice and nothing out of pocket beyond that.
On the home selling front, we have had exactly 1 showing in 3 months… The housing market isn’t slow, it’s just slow for our location and price. Houses $60k above us, there’s a lot of movement, and $60k below us, is also moving like hotcakes. So… until someone comes along looking for what we have, we wait…
Aaron Smith
June 26, 2018It looks like a beautiful place. I am sure it will sell out fast.
July 11, 2018Thanks! So far, no movement at all really, but we’ll be patient and wait.
Frank Wang
June 27, 2018Beautiful photos of your backyard and woods, love to live in a house with a lot of space.
August 29, 2018Your place looks great I’m sure that when you least expect you’ll find a buyer. I wish you nothing but the best during the moving process and in your new home.